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橄榄油。Olive oil.

橄榄园。Olive Garden.

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橄榄油或菜籽油。Olive or canola oil.

用橄榄油代替润滑剂。Use olive oil as lube.

橄榄油保湿。Moisturize with olive oil.

或者橄榄油海藻糖酸盐?Perhaps an olive alginate?

橄榄油是海鲜饭的基本佐料。Olive oil is basic to paella.

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橄榄枝象征着和平。Olive branch symbolizes peace.

我们可从橄榄中榨油。We can extract oil from olive.

该桌子由橄榄木制造而成。The desk was made out of olive.

用橄榄油涂刷薄盘。Brush sheet pans with olive oil.

他命令奥利弗走出马棚。He ordered Olive out of the barn.

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坎德拉.威尔金森和橄榄花园Kendra Wilkinson and Olive Garden

橄榄叶可治疗高血压?Olive Leaf to Treat Hypertension?

他穿着件橄榄绿的外套。He is wearing an olive green coat.

李·德蒙将她的指甲泡在橄榄油?。Lee Redmond soaks hers in olive oil.

草黄色俄罗斯战术背心M21。Russian Tactical Vest M21 in Olive Drab.

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在电影里,她由奥利芙·利瓦伊扮演。She was played by Olive Levi in the film.

核桃,银鱼柳,培根末,帕玛森芝士,黑橄榄。Bacon Bits , Parmesans Cheese , Black Olive.

橄榄绿色是军人的本色!The olive green is serviceman's true colors!