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乔尔眯了眯眼。Joel narrows his eyes.

她眯缝起眼睛瞅着我。She narrows her eyes at me.

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医生缩小了他的研究范围。The doctor narrows his study.

河道从这儿开始变窄了。The river narrows down from here.

你知道为什么河道在这儿会变窄吗?Do you know why the river narrows here?

1964年的今天,纽约韦拉察诺海峡大桥开通。In 1964, New York's Verrazano Narrows Bridge opened.

假如我正穿过长江峡口顺流而下。If I am coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang.

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我知道这样的想法会进一步缩小我的选择范围吗?Do I realize that this further narrows my pool of prospects?

更好的性能,因为定义搜索基底减少了它的范围。Better performance, because defining the search base narrows it.

峭壁一开始还有一只脚的宽度,到后来就只有六英寸这么狭窄了。It is around a foot wide at the start, but narrows to six inches by the end.

变厚的动脉壁使流通血液的管腔变细。The thickened artery wall narrows the channel through which the blood flows.

如果雌激素过少,动脉就会收缩,供氧衰竭不足。If there is too little, this artery narrows and oxygen supplies are depleted.

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波斯人满怀自信地驶入萨拉米斯海峡来迎接他们的敌军。The Persians sailed confidently into the narrows at Salamis to meet their enemy.

罗兰德缩小了当地服务军人的资料范围,马宏认出了这个司机。Roland narrows down military men working locally and Mahone recognizes the driver.

我的意识变得狭窄,收紧,进入“对抗或逃跑“模式。So my consciousness narrows and constricts, and I'm in the "fight or flight" mode.

一旦到达WMDR,道路宽度很快会变窄为一个3米宽的双向车道泥土路。Once on the WMDR it quickly narrows to a 3-meter wide dirt road with two-way traffic.

肿瘤侵犯纵膈和包绕肺动脉,同时肺动脉可见狭窄。The tumor invades the mediastinum and surrounds and narrows the right pulmonary artery.

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划分缩小了在合并期间可以使用的逻辑上下文的范围。Partitioning narrows the scope of logical context that is available during merge sessions.

逐渐尖锐的一种结构,例如某些叶子。Acuminate Describing a structure that gradually narrows to a point, such as certain leaves.

这条路的这部分从双向12车道减少为8车道,之后又减少到6车道。The road in this section narrows from six lanes in each direction to four and then to three.