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单位长常常显示,拉特,偏差,黄道。Units Used to Display Long , Lat , Declination , Ecliptic.

我们主要关注地平线和黄道附近的星辰。Attention was concentrated on the horizon and the ecliptic.

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黄道面与太阳赤道仅有7度的倾斜。The ecliptic surface and the solar equator only have 7 inclining.

黄道面与赤道面的夹角是黄道的倾角。The obliquity of ecliptic is the fundamental cause of the seasons.

黄道面与赤道面的夹角是黄道的倾角。The obliquity of the ecliptic is the fundamental cause of the seasons.

沿着黄道从地面依次看去的是水星、金星、火星和土星。Spread out near the plane of the ecliptic are Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn.

它与天球相交处形成一个大圆-黄道。Its intersection with the celestial sphere will be a great circle -the ecliptic.

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黄道光指的是在黄道平面上漫散射的太阳光。The zodiacal glow refers to the diffuse scattered sunlight on the ecliptic plane.

而沿着黄道平面朝更远的东方,土星仍在夜空中闪亮。Saturn still shines in the night though, farther eastward along the ecliptic plane.

这将是另一个循环,这平面就是整个太阳系的黄道。different circle in the sky which is the plane of the ecliptic of the solar system.

金星每八年在空中的运行轨迹正是一个正五角形。The planet Venus traced a perfect pentacle across the ecliptic sky every eight years.

这代表太阳系平面,学名“黄道”。It represents the plane of the solar system, with the official name of "the ecliptic."

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例子为月球向北移并经过黄道平面时的那一点。An example is the point reached when the Moon is moving north and crossing the ecliptic.

例子为月球向南移并经过黄道平面时的那一点。An example is the point reached when the Moon is moving south and crossing the ecliptic.

冥王星的轨道大都脱离了黄道面,倾斜度达17度。Pluto's track mostly was separated from the ecliptic surface, the gradient has amounted to 17.

轩辕十四碰巧现于日月星运行带——黄道上。Regulus happens to be located on the pathway of the sun, moon and planets – called the ecliptic.

然而,鸟神星的轨道面与黄道面的倾角却比冥王星要大得多。Makemake, however, has an orbit much more tilted to the ecliptic plane of the planets than Pluto.

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黄道平面是一个假想的平面,理论上它包含了地球环绕太阳运行的轨道。The ecliptic plane is defined as the imaginary plane containing the Earth's orbit around the sun.

黄道婆是从哪个民族那里学到先进棉纺织技术的?Is ecliptic mother-in-law from which technology of advanced cotton spin acquires over there the nation?

小某行星在黄道平面内绕着太阳运行,从不进入地球轨道以内。The minor planet moves around the Sun in the ecliptic plane, never coming inside the orbit of the Earth.