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一颗子弹穿过他的汽车,差点打中他。One bullet struck his motorcar, chaussure pas cher, narrowly lacking him.

从黎明时分开始,人们就已经聚集在一起举行派对。Since the dawn of time, chaussure de foot, people have gathered together to party.

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海莫威茨是纽约布鲁克林人,他健康状况良好,只是偶尔为疲劳所苦。Y. , is in nice health, chaussure pas cher, complaining merely sometimes of labor.

我照旧在一座十层高的楼顶上,从上里摔下来。There I am on top of the ten-story building again, chaussure louboutin, and I fall.

妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在。Woman, chaussure de foot, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing.

妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在。Woman, chaussure foot nike, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing.

没事的时候,他喜欢用电脑画画卡通,用手画画油画。All right, he likes to use computer drawing chaussure tn cartoons, hand-painting oil painting.

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洋芋片、糖果、汽水和其它好吃的东西都颇受欢迎。Potato chips, chaussure louboutin, candy bars, soft drinks and additional goodies are popular treats.

一个蠢货可以让衣服镶上金边,但仍然是个蠢货。A cheat may have his coat embroidered with metallic, chaussure pas che, yet it is a fool's coat still.

我们挣扎、哭泣,有时甚至放弃,但内心始终有爱长存。We fight. We cry. And sometimes, chaussure de foot, we give up. But in our hearts, we know it's still love.

酒吧主要是喝东西的地方,而夜总会也提供酒水,不过那主要是跳舞的场所。A pub is a place mainly for drinking while a nightclub serves drinks, chaussure foot, but is mainly for dancing.

妈妈,谁人高个子的金头男人穿的衣服就和这位天使一样,就是他把我从车里推出来的!Mommy, the tall blond man dressed like an angel. That's the man that pulled me out of the car, chaussure pas cher!

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不外减薪幅度能够没有经济情势好的时分那末多,是以要设坐时限,过六个月从头评价。The increase might not be what you'd get in better times, chaussure loubou, though, so set a time to re-evaluate it in six months.

即便经济形势欠好,新提升的人员也有权接管这一局限下限的薪酬。Even in a poor economy, chaussure pas cher, a newly promoted employee is entitled to receive compensation at the bottom of this range.

可是现在科教家以为,形成没有忠的最主要缘由是一小我私家的权利巨细,而非性别。But scientists now believe that it is a person's power, rather than gender, chaussure femme, that plays the greatest role in infidelity.

泽塔-琼斯用富含松露的洗发水洗发,然后抹上鱼子酱、将其梳匀后再晾一会。Miss Zeta-Jones's hair is bathed with a truffle-based shampoo, chaussure louboutin, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed via and left to set.

公司人员的犯罪,包孕实报开销、偷窃办公用品、私定价钱、产物讹诈等。Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, chaussure foot nike, product fraud, etc.

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无论男女都或多或少地受其影响,这种偏见甚至还会使有些女性对自己丧失信心。No matter men alternatively women hit been strained more or less, chaussure pas cher, this mind has even made whatever women lose positiveness in themselves.

由于布莱尔卷入政府腐败和执政能力下降等一系列的丑闻之中,再加上国内对伊拉克战争问题的种种争议,布莱尔的名誉和声望大大下降。Blair's popularity has plunged after a series of government shames over sleaze and direction, chaussure louboutin, as substantially as argument over the Irak combat.

购方也应被认定在公道的限期内,即正在专家陈述宣布后的8天内,便产物瑕疵作过传递。The Buyer should also be deemed to have given notice of the defects within a reasonable period, chaussure femme, that is eight days after the expert's report had been published.