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出版物…Publication Publ.

刊行是毫无道理的。Such a publication was madness.

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在出版物中使用世界卫生组织会徽Use of the WHO emblem in a publication

公共医疗卫生服务刊物编号1008。Public Health Service Publication No. 1008. U.

该书的出版鼓起了我们的希望。The publication of this work lifted our hopes.

这个出版物的质量是一流的!The quality of this publication is first-rate!

每家展商发送会刊一本。Give the exhibitors an association publication.

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编辑把文章删节后供发表。The editor pared down an essay for publication.

第二份报告的发布为期不远。The publication of a second report is imminent.

玛丽恩·利塞霍拉写的一份每月的出版物。A monthly publication written by Marion Lisehora.

他们说,因为祂只有一部主要的论文着作。They said that He had only one major publication.

认真做好出版工作。Be conscientious and make a good job of publication.

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编辑负责选择出版的内容。Editors evaluate and select content for publication.

当局禁止出版这本书。Thee government enjoined the publication of the book.

这本书的出版对您的生活产生了怎样的影响呢?How did the publication of this book impact your life?

书出版之前她就要登出来,这是策略。She does this ahead of publication. That is a strategy.

这一套书是联邦最高法院的官方出版物。These volumes are an official publication of the Court.

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本刊物只备有下载版。This publication is available in download version only.

据说黄历是古传的有名的出版物。It is said to be the oldest continuous publication known.

出版日期括于书名后面。Publication dates are given in brackets after each title.