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杰?雷诺的加入使这份明星卡司声势更为浩大。Queen Latifah and Jay Leno round out this all-star cast.

所以,这又一是一项与布什的政策完全相反的奥巴马政策。So, yet another reversal of the Bush policies." --Jay Leno

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这难道不就是像肯德基做广告说,要卖沙门氏菌鸡吗?Isn't that like KFC advertising salmonella chicken?" --Jay Leno

像杰•雷诺和大卫•莱特曼这样的老牌主持人则避免拿政治开涮。The old-guard of Leno and Letterman avoid this political comedy.

拜登说得对,敌对势力将在头几个月里考验他。Hostile forces will test him in the first few months." --Jay Leno

现在,美国民众对民主党人说,‘我们投了票,现在你们滚吧!’Then people told the Democrats, 'We voted, now get out!'" –Jay Leno

最后,提出了在设计、织造绞纱织物对应注意的几个问题。Besides, some points worthy of note in leno designing are brought forward.

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雷诺一个劲地打探总统的两个宝贝女儿玛利亚和莎夏何时能得到宠物小狗。Leno pressed him on when daughters Malia and Sasha would get their pet dog.

奥巴马总统提供了希望、变革和零利率贷款救车市。President Obama offering hope, change, and 0 percent financing." --Jay Leno

这样的话,可以筹到足够的钱,支付给他们的受害者。That would raise enough money to pay off everybody they screwed." --Jay Leno

当然,假设这届政府五年后还在的话。Assuming, of course, the government is still around in five years." --Jay Leno

因此,显然,当时他承诺要做改变的时候,他说的是他的意向而已。So, apparently, when he promised change, he was talking about his mind." --Jay Leno

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在一个新的研究项目中,有效的纱罗综丝已研发出来,并经过了工业化测试。In a new research project, efficient leno heddles are created and tested industrially.

雷诺问道,在入主白宫不到两个月的时候就“这么快被外界评价”是否公平。Leno asked if it was fair to be "judged so quickly" after less than two months in office.

轰动全国的杀女案嫌疑人凯西被判无罪。我想大概是因为辛普森案的陪审团退休后搬去佛罗里达了。"I think the jury from the O. J. Simpson trial retired and moved to Florida. " –Jay Leno.

雷诺的脱口秀节目在深夜十点档节目收视率大战中惨败,一个原因是这个节目真的很差。One reason that Leno got killed in the ratings at 10 P. that the show was really bad.

卡特在一次车祸后于1904年去世,丽诺日渐憔悴,6个月后在伦敦逝世。When Carter died in 1904 after an accident, Leno pined and died in London six months later.

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其实他的原话是‘我和那个女人没有“信”关系。’”In fact his exact words were 'I did not have textual relations with that woman.'" --Jay Leno

如果雷诺有什么非议的话,那就是联邦政府努力要对这笔奖金通过征税来弄光它。If Leno had a bone to pick, it was with federal efforts to tax the AIG bonuses out of existence.

重点介绍了织制纱罗组织织物的最新进展。The paper presents one of the most modern developments for the production of leno weave fabrics.