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狗身上系着铃。The dog was belled.

我们给“羊”系上铃。We belled the sheep.

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扩底桩在当前工业建筑中得到了越来越广泛的应用。Today, belled pile is used more and more widely in industry architecture,.

它们一代代继承的遗产就是带铃的轭与鞭子。Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.

割风连忙把那条系铃铛的带子从钉子上取下来,系在自己的膝弯上。Fauchelevent hastily detached the belled knee-cap from its nail and buckled it on his knee again.

直径相同时,扩底桩的竖向承载力远大于纯摩擦桩和直身墩。The vertical bearing capacity of belled pile is greater than the pure friction pile and shaft as their diameters are equal.

目前人们对大直径扩底桩端阻力折减问题有不同的看法。The current viewpoints on the modifying coefficient problem of end-bearing resistance of large diameter belled piles are different.

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讨论了影响扩底桩的扩大头发挥作用与持力层相关的因素,包括持力层土的性质、扩大头进入持力层的深度、持力层的厚度。These influences include character of the bearing stratum, depth of belled end in the bearing stratum, thickness of the bearing stratum.

文中提出的承载力取值和沉降计算是一套适合于我国大直径扩底桩的设计方法。The way to value the bearing capacity and settlement calculation given herein are fit for the design of large diameter belled pile in china.

用有限元法对竖向桩顶荷载作用下DX桩桩周土的应力变形及桩身荷载传递特点进行了数值分析。DX Pile is a belled cast in-situ concrete pile with multi-branch features. To analyze its bearing mechanism, a numerical simulation is made with the FEM in the paper.

为了分析不同尺寸条件下扩底墩的承载机理,利用三维有限元,建立墩土接触模型,分析不同墩身长度、扩底直径以及扩大头锅底高度时扩底墩的承载性状。In order to analyze the bearing mechanism of belled pier with different dimensions, by three-dimensional finite element, a contact model of pier and soil was established.

根据同一试验场地厚层非湿陷性黄土状土中8根大直径扩底墩、2根等直径桩的竖向承载力静载试验,对扩底墩的竖向承载性状进行了研究。Based on the load tests of 8 large diameter belled piers and 2 friction piles, the vertical bearing behavior of the belled pier in non-collapsing loess-like soil is studied.

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随着我国工程建设的发展,大直径扩底桩应用越来越广泛,然而对其竖向承载机理的研究却远不够。With the development of municipal engineering, large diameter belled piles are used more and more widely, but the study on vertical bearing mechanism of it is not enough for the practice.

尽管抗拔桩大量地应用于工程实践中,然而其抗拔承载力特性的试验与理论研究远远落后于工程实践。In this dissertation, the studies are emphasized on numerical analysis of uplift bearing capacity behavior of rock-socketed piles and belled piles under the vertical load and inclined load.