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炎热的长夏晒枯了青草。It was a torrid summer day.

铁骨铮铮,我们在火辣辣的太阳下不屈不挠,认真练习。With strong mind, we are dauntless and practicing hard in the torrid sun.

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没有不尊重的右后卫的麦孔,但他给了他一个炎热的时间。No disrespects to the right-back Maicon, but he has given him a torrid time.

在2007年酷热的夏天也发生过类似的藻类爆发,最后演变成国内的丑闻。A similar outbreak in the torrid summer heat of 2007 became a national scandal.

炉桥下的灰烬由炉火垂直地照亮了,就像一片炎热干燥的荒野。The ashes under the grate were lit by the fire vertically, like a torrid waste.

我喜欢将来自房子的色度的一个角落变成开着空间的完整晒焦的闪耀光。I like turning a corner from the shade of a house into the full torrid glare of an open space.

后来,在炎热的海南,我相对准确地预言了自己向北的归期。Later, in the torrid Hainan, I had relative accurately foretold the date of my northward return.

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加上美元企稳甚至走强,这将会削弱出口的增速。This, combined with a stronger or at least stable dollar, should damp the torrid pace of export growth.

香港讯—在经历了几个月的活跃期之后,中国经济涨速总算是放缓了步伐。HONG KONG — After months of brisk activity, China’s torrid economy is finally growing a little more slowly.

所以别让喷了香水的肌肤接触酷热的太阳,或改用不含酒精的香水。Do not invite in season so the sun with the skin torrid contact of perfume, or convert nonalcoholic perfume.

北京已经开始计划在2015年修第二个机场,赶上航空交通的快速增长。Beijing is already planning to build a second airport by 2015 to keep up with the torrid pace of air traffic growth.

此项输油管线协议对于中国能源需求的极度日益增长,以维持其狂热的工业扩张是关键的。The pipeline deal was key to China's increasingly desperate need for energy to fuel its torrid industrial expansion.

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根据最佳配方制备适合毛叶枣贮藏保鲜的塑料薄膜,并对毛叶枣的保鲜效果作了各项生理指标的测试研究。And the quality of ber planted in torrid zone packed with films and stored at different temperature was investigated.

新加坡总共只有约2,500套高档洋房,它们正在以极快的速度和令人惊掉下巴的价格被抢购一空。There are only about 2, 500 in total -- and they are being snapped up at both a torrid rate and at jaw-dropping prices.

谷歌意识到,这种迅猛的增势不会永远持续,但迄今还没有开辟任何新的重要收入来源。The company realized that the torrid growth couldn't continue forever. So far, it hasn't come up with any big new revenue streams.

于此同时,停电开始减缓这个国家高耗能工业如钢铁、水泥和化学制品业的快速发展。Meanwhile, blackouts are starting to slow the nation's torrid growth of energy-intensive industries like steel, cement and chemicals.

于此同时,停电开始减缓这个国家高耗能工业如钢铁、水泥和化学制品业的快速发展。Meanwhile, blackouts are starting to slow the nation’s torrid growth of energy-intensive industries like steel, cement and chemicals.

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在亚洲,中国最新的经济统计数字表明,今年上半年,它的经济在经历了这么多年的狂飙之后,正逐渐冷却下来。In Asia, the latest news from China indicated that its economy was beginning to cool after a torrid pace in the first half of the year.

一项新研究发现,我们和许多其他哺乳动物保持这样一个高热体温是因为华氏98.6度不多不少刚刚好。Well, a new study finds that we and many other mammals keep up such a torrid temp because it's a Goldilocks situation—98.6 is just right.

现在,一项最新的研究发现,我们和其他很多哺乳动物之所以维持在一个恒定的体温,是因为我们要维持的正好是黄金温度——98.6度。Well, a new study finds that we and many other mammals keep up such a torrid temp because it’s a Goldilocks situation—98.6 is just right.