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踩踏着一面铜锣的野蛮的铿锵节拍。Goes to the barbarous clangour of a gong.

他们摈弃了这种野蛮风俗。They did away with this barbarous custom.

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他们犯有最野蛮、最灭绝人性的残暴罪行。They were guilty of the most barbarous and inhuman atrocities.

这将会是一场我们所知道的最残忍的战争。It's likely to be the most barbarous war that we have ever known.

这些地方的人民都是如此的野蛮,他们依旧是吃人肉的。The people of these places are so barbarous that they still eat human flesh.

随着罗马人的到,基督教也在这一时期传入了不列颠岛。Britain almost went back into barbarous period. The society developed slowly.

这并不仅仅因为刺花是深入皮肤,不能改变就变得野蛮的。It is not barbarous merely because the printing is skin-deep and unalterable.

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更糟糕的是那些成功制造了感官刺激,而方式却极为野蛮的影片。But even worse were those that succeeded in exciting the senses, but in barbarous ways.

押韵是禁锢着诗歌真正自由的,蛮荒时代才有的限制。Rhymes are barbarous forms of constraint that impinge upon the true freedom of the body of the poem.

他创立了一所博物馆,专门展示在精神病院里普遍存在的野蛮的治疗方法。He developed a museum depicting the barbarous treatment that was prevalent in asylums for the insane.

约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯称金本位制为“野蛮的遗迹”——导致了极大的破坏性。The gold standard — which John Maynard Keynes termed a "barbarous relic" — led to ruinous deflations.

把本国人民置于一个如此充满恐慌,高压和饥饿的野蛮制度下,金氏家族是全球独一家。No government anywhere subjects its own people to such a barbarous regime of fear, repression and hunger.

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这个感恩节只掩盖了殖民者“没有赠与,只有掠夺”的血腥和残暴的历史。Thankgiving Day simply concealed colonists' barbarous and violent history of "giving no and plundering all".

这些生猛的高地勇士在凄厉的风笛声中身着粗陋的服饰将所有敌人砍杀至渣。These fierce Highland warriors intimidate all enemies with their wild skirling attacks and barbarous apparel.

具有讽刺意义的是,在困难之际,“野蛮的遗迹”的重新估价可以解救美联储以免破产。It is ironic that in troubled times a revaluation of the " barbarous relic" could save the Fed from insolvency.

在异质文化交流史上,中国一度被西方描述成原始野蛮的异域番邦。China was once considered as a primitive, barbarous and exotic land in heterogeneous cultural communication. It was Pearl S.

该决议感叹这种野蛮制度的存在,称之为二十世纪最大的人口贩卖罪行。The resolution bemoans the existence of this barbarous institution, calling it the biggest human trafficking crime of the 20th century.

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卡里·侯赛因是他的一名副手,但性格特别残暴,擅长将巴基斯坦境内的年轻人培养成自杀人弹。One of his lieutenants, Qari Hussain, a particularly barbarous individual, became adept at turning young Pakistanis into suicide bombers.

它是只有蛮荒时代愚昧无知的人们才会接受,以自寻烦恼,阻碍,和限制的。It's an invention of a barbarous age which a blind and ignorant population will accept only to its own vexation, hindrance, and constraint.

他用所学哒物理知识来教训野蛮哒学长,他用聪明打破了学院墨守成规哒传统观念。He taught the barbarous schoolmate a lesson by the learnt physical knowledge, he broken the traditional concept of scholasticism by his wisdom.