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三段分期法。The three paragraphs periodization.

历史分期是历史编纂的核心问题之一。Periodization is one of the central issues in historiography.

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你找不到一种魔术般地训练方法,奇迹般的饮食补充物或者全方位周期计划。You won't find any magic workouts, miracle diet supplements, or all-purpose periodization schemes.

周期的分期包括高压训练阶段和训练期间的复原和恢复。Periodization includes phases of high training stress and planned periods for recovery and restoration.

比如他认为内藤提出的中国史的分期法还属一个有待补充完善的课题。For instance, he proposed that Naito's periodization of Chinese history is also to be added is a perfect subject.

科学技术的发展、科学测定方法的进步和完善,是解决石窟分期问题的希望所在。The development of technology and improvement of test methods are the hopes for solving the periodization of grottoes.

根据镜像原理,理论分析了三种截断边界对周期化的影响。Thirdly, the periodization influences of the three kinds of truncation boundary are analysed according to the image theory.

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为了满足理论与实践的需要,对不同项目高水平运动员运动训练周期特征进行研究已是势在必行。For satisfying the demands of the theory and practice, studying the periodization features in different event-group is necessary.

认识到中国古典文学由此截然分为前后两个部分,对于文学史分期研究来说具有独特的意义。The classification of ancient Chinese literature into two halves is particularly meaningful for the periodization of literary history.

在编写体例、中心线索以及断限与分期等方面都有重大变化。Textbooks of different period varied greatly from each other either in the stylistic rules and layout, the central clues, or in periodization.

早在20世纪初,各国运动训练专家就对运动训练分期问题给予了足够的关注。At the beginning of 20 century, sports training expert from many countries had already paid more attention to the periodization in sports training process.

学术界对于当代中国外交的根本转型与分期问题存在一些分歧。No consensus has been achieved among scholars on the questions concerning the fundamental reorientation and periodization of China's contemporary diplomacy.

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特别是从20世纪40年代末起,随着第二次世界大战的结束,国际赛事重新恢复正常,有关运动训练分期问题的研究在前苏联得到了广泛的开展。Especially from the end of 40s of 20 century, along with the end of World War II, research on the periodization has developed rapidly in the former Soviet Union.

西周青铜器铭文是研究西周历史的最为重要的史料之一,但须以准确的分期与释读为前提。Bronze inscriptions in Western Thou can become a vital historical evidence to study its history, only on the condition of a prudent periodization and explanation.

前一种意见将中国近代史与近代史学的起始相提并论,体现了马克思主义史学的影响,但其支持者也有非马克思主义的史家。The first opinion extends the Marxian periodization of Chinese history to the study of historiography, although its supporters are not necessarily Marxist historians.

本文对正交样条小波进行周化,给出了周期正交样条小波的分解与重构算法。In this paper, we first discuss the periodization of spline orthogonal wavelet , and then give the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms of the periodized wavelet.

通过对运动训练分期理论发展的回顾与评述,作者认为,对不同项群年度训练分期特征进行系统研究十分必要。Through the review of the development of periodization, the author thinks it is necessary to make systematic study on the theory of periodization in different item groups.

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本文介绍了克孜尔石窟年代分期的几种意见,碳十四测定为克孜尔石窟年代分期研究开辟了新的途径。The paper discusses several views on the periodization of Kizil Grottoes and points out that C14 test opens a new route for the study of the periodization of Kizil Grottoes.

阶段性的划分训练周期就是说以16-20周为一个周期,每个周期中有特定的目标,这样你就不用每次都要练习所有的训练方式了,实际上你也不必这样。Periodization divides a training cycle of, say, 16 to 20 weeks into phases, each with a specific goal, so you don't have to do every type of workout all the time. In fact, you shouldn't.

刘宝墓是山东境内发现的典型的西晋墓葬,其纪年明确,墓室结构完整,随葬器物丰富,为研究西晋时期墓葬的分期断代提供了重要资料。The tomb is a typical Western Jin and its clear date, intact tomb structure, and abundance of funerary objects provide important materials for periodization of graves of the Western Jin.