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我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore.

可是我觉得,从此我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow.

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我的疑惑与恐惧自此以后都永远受蔑视。Henceforward all my doubts and fears are set at naught for ever.

走吧。从此我就觉得一直徘徊在你的身影里。Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow.

我发誓认为自己从今以后,永远的使徒的真相与人的权利。I vow to consider myself henceforward and forever as the Apostle of Truth and of the rights of man.

不论对企业,个人还是政府,从今以后都得言行一致。For companies and individuals as much as for governments, deeds will henceforward have to match words.

最后,归纳总结了本课题的研究成果,并对今后的发展方向提出了建议。At last, the research achievements are summarized and the proposal on the direction of development henceforward is put forward.

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我希望现在我们已经是最后一次听到屈服和顺从。从此,这两个词将被扔进历史的垃圾堆,人们再次听说将觉得是无稽之谈。I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward.

此后,莫里哀成为国王最喜欢的戏剧家,经常在宫中演出新剧目,甚至是在公演之前。Henceforward Molière became one of the King's favourite playwrights , often performing new plays at Court even before staging them in public.

探索中小型制造企业信息化集成的路子,为企业今后的发展、改造提供技术支持。For the manufacturing enterprises developing innovation, NFJDPDM can support with information-integrated technique and probing a way henceforward.

不过天文学家联合会经过激烈讨论,二十四日却投票认定,冥王星未达行星标准、应该被降级。However, after some intense discussions, the International Astronomical Union held a vote demoting Pluto, which will henceforward be one of three dwarf planets.

我国的林产工业发展已面临着资源、结构、市场和环境等日趋严峻的挑战,难以适应未来经济建设发展要求。Chinese forest products industry developing about henceforward resources, constructions, markets and environment daytime, unfit the demand of future economic construction.

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我已邀内侄C.H。加入我公司为合伙关系,公司业务今后将以T.H。与内侄公司名义进行营业。特此奉告。I acquaint you that in consequence of my having taken into partnership with my nephew, C. H. , the business of my establishment will henceforward be conducted under the firm of T. H. & Nephew.