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按常例我该拒绝。I should refuse.

拒绝白色污染。Refuse white pollution.

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现代人要向狗学习了说。Words refuse to tell it!

我拒绝相信他们。I refuse to believe them.

我拒绝说中文!I refuse to speak Chinee!

沙莉一定会拒绝他的。Sally is sure to refuse him.

不要推托找借口!Don't refuse or make excuses!

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她要什么他都不能不给。He can't refuse her anything.

我拒绝兑现你的票据。I refuse to honour your bill.

所以我拒绝付这个电话费。I refuse to pay for this call.

一开始我假意推三阻四。At first I pretended to refuse.

我万没有想到他会屏绝。I never thought he should refuse.

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在一个朋友的空间上看见了左右手定则。I use my left hand to refuse you.

拒绝给莫里哀做最后的弥散!Refuse the last rites to Moliere!

对一切人都应给以正义。To no man will we refuse justice.

我干脆拒绝你们的那个宪章。I refuse your charter point-blank.

我们拒绝在价格上讨价还价。We refuse to bargain over the price.

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您知道人家都不肯赊欠了。You know well that people refuse me.

他执拗地拒绝他们的计划。He was obdurate to refuse their plan.

本人谢绝任何跨省追捕行为。I refuse any inter-provincial manhunt.