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就象哈菲兹,在爱的路上被放逐。An exile in the way Of love, like Hafiz.

哈菲兹·阿萨德一直坚持“大叙利亚”思想。Hafiz al-Asad was a fan of the"Great Syria"idea.

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瓦格斯的老师花哈菲兹说,瓦格斯是位认真的学生。Waqas' teacher Dr Hafiz Mohammad Dilawar says Waqas is a keen student.

阿萨德建立了基础组织机构来巩固控制。Hafiz al-Asad created an organizational infrastructure to consolidate control.

哈菲兹穆罕默德的人权组织司法非洲苏丹导演,预计叛乱很快。Hafiz Mohammed, director of human-rights group Justice Africa-Sudan, expects a rebellion soon.

在“疯狂的心”哈菲兹写一个男人谁爱上帝不错,但不知道上帝是他。In "A Mad Heart" Hafiz wrote of a man who loved God well but did not know that God was in him.

在晚年诗歌哈菲兹以团结和他的灵魂渴望像天堂鸟归巢。In his later poems Hafiz spoke of unity and his soul yearning for paradise like a homing bird.

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北瓦济里斯坦的塔利班领导人是巴哈德尔,是他参加谈判,达成现在被废弃的协议的。North Waziristan's Taliban leader is Hafiz Gul Bahadar, who negotiated the now-abandoned agreement.

他们由戈尔.巴哈德所领导,这是一名1992年-1996年阿富汗内战时期的老兵,后来加入塔利班。They are led by Hafiz Gul Bahadur, a veteran of the 1992-96 Afghan civil war who later joined the Taliban.

法院裁决认定,将“虔诚军”创始人哈菲兹·赛义德软禁在家是违法的。The court ruled the continued house arrest of Jamaat-ud-Dawa founder Hafiz Mohammad Saeed was unconstitutional.

利比亚国家过渡委员会副主席古贾称他们会尊重卡扎菲政府与外国达成的协议和合同。Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, vice-president of the NTC, said it would honour all deals and contracts agreed with Gaddafi's government.

我们正在努力实现由以色列分离得非常快,”阿卜杜勒哈菲兹Nofel说,巴勒斯坦权力机构经济部副部长。We're moving very fast toward separation from Israel, " said Abdel Hafiz Nofel, deputy economy minister of the Palestinian Authority."

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由塔利班领导人巴哈德尔发表的声明可能是北瓦济里斯坦几个月来相对和平即将结束的信号。The announcement by a spokesman for Taliban leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar could signal the end of months of relative peace in North Waziristan.

五位被逮捕者之一是撒依德,是达瓦慈善会首领,也是极端团体虔诚军的前领导人。Among the five arrested is Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the head of the Jamat-ud-Dawa charity and a former leader of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

根据一位化名哈尼夫-菲兹的16岁大、去年加入基地组织的人透露,克什米尔毋庸置疑已经成为本拉登的左膀右臂。According to Hafiz Hanif, the pseudonym of a 16-year-old Afghan who fought in Al Qaeda's ranks last year, Kashmiri's status as a bin Laden favorite was obvious.

根据一位化名哈尼夫-菲兹的16岁大、去年加入基地组织的人透露,克什米尔毋庸置疑已经成为本拉登的左膀右臂。According to Hafiz Hanif, the pseudonym of a 16-year-old Afghan who fought in Al Qaeda’s ranks last year, Kashmiri’s status as a bin Laden favorite was obvious.

沙库尔与多个塔利班组织串联,并与马哈苏德、巴哈达尔、纳兹尔等塔利班领袖私交颇深。Abdul Shakoor also "holds very cordial relations with all the Taliban groups, " including with top Taliban leaders Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Hakeemullah Mehsud, and Mullah Nazir.