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拔下干衣机的插头。Unplug your dryer.

清理掉干衣机的棉絮。Clean out dryer lint.

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我张床,我个乾衣机连风扇。My bed, my dryer and fan.

在衣物烘干机中找到钱。Finding cash in the dryer.

我必须买一个电吹风。I have to buy a blow dryer.

第二个作用是,它像一个干燥器。Second, it acts as a dryer.

我在干燥机里发现一个鞋腰!I found aquarterin the dryer !

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你的烘干机接好地线了吗?。Is your dryer properly earthed?

不要把衣服放在烘干机里。Never leave your clothes in the dryer.

用吹风筒把一颗水果糖吹化开。Use the hair dryer to melt a hard candy.

所有管道系统内部的机框。All ductwork is internal to the dryer box.

我放溼衣服入烘衣机中。I put the wet laundry in the clothes dryer.

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你可以教我怎么使用这台烘衣机吗?。Could you show me how to operate this dryer?

最后经挤干进入热风吹干装置。The strip then is dried in dryer by hot blast.

我知道你一向都把所有东西往烘衣机里丢。I know you always toss everything in the dryer.

假定想要快些单调能够用电吹风。Assume that want faster drab can use hair dryer.

供应丝杠护罩,圆形护罩,风筒。Supply screw shields, round shields, hair dryer.

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我也回想得起在干衣机中的衣服是白色的。Then I had another load of clothes in the dryer.

到家后就把衣服放进干衣机里。Put the clothes into the dryer when you get home.

把舌头伸出来用吹风筒吹干。Stick out the tongue and blow it by a hair dryer.