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请见以下第6项。See No. 6 below.

s层在4d层下面。s lies below 4d.

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我“跌破眼镜”。"I" below glasses.

参见底下的注释。See the note below.

然后下面是路西法。Then Below is Lucifer.

这在下面列出。This are listed below.

请看下面视频。Watch the video below.

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我会在下面考虑这些。I consider those below.

我不会再往下看。I can't look below that.

这是下面要讨论的。This is discussed below.

我比他低一年级。I am one grade below him.

链接它们,如下图所示。Link them as shown below.

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请看下列习惯用语。Look at the idioms below.

以下是些更大型的场景。Below is some biger scene.

天使珠泪树下流淌。Angel's tears below a tree.

我将在下面来讨论这些。I will discuss these below.

单击下面的“打开MSDE网页”按钮。MSDE web page button below.

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亚特兰大比华盛顿更靠南。Atlanta is below Washington.

下面是落款和日期。Below are inscribe and date.

看到洗手的提示,下面。See Handwashing Tips, below.