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第二类问题来自组合数学界。The second class of problem comes from the world of combinatorics.

那么结果是一类不同的组合问题,那么,好。So it's a different kind of combinatorics problem that results. So, OK.

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组合数学中心是其中规模最大、最优秀的研究中心之一。Combinatorics is a part of mathematics, which is done all over the world.

因此选择的内容主要是当前组合数学与图论中研究的十分重要课题。Hence it contains some new and important topics of combinatorics and graph theory.

给出了该学习模型在组合数学问题求解中的应用。The new Agent learning model can be applied in some problems of the combinatorics.

本课程是数学系研究生的专业课。它是为组合论与图论方向研究生设置的专业课程。This course is designed for graduate students who major in combinatorics and graph theory.

计数组合学主要在探讨一个有限集合中元素个数的计算。The subject of enumerative combinatorics deals with counting the number of elements of a finite set.

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本文研究了组合学中实零点多项式的若干问题。This thesis is devoted to the study of several problems on real-rooted polynomials in combinatorics.

概率方法是解决组合数学和数论中许多问题的强有力工具。The probabilistic method is a powerful tool for dealing with many problems in combinatorics and number theory.

那些古老的富有益智性的数学游戏为组合学早期的发展提供了大量的研究素材。Some mathematical games and recreations acted as an essential role in the development of earlier combinatorics.

现在我们有组合的结果,并且我认为你们或许都,对前后内容比较熟悉。And now we have a combinatorics result that I think probably you're all familiar with from one context or another.

加法组合专指算术组合中,只涉及加减运算的情况。Additive combinatorics refers to the special case when only the operations of addition and subtraction are involved.

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计算机科学的核心内容是使用算法处理离散数据,组合数学的重要性日渐凸显。The core of computer science is handling discrete data employing algorithms, so combinatorics is becoming more and more important.

反演关系是组合论中的一个重要内容,其证明十分繁杂,又要求很高的技巧。Inverse relation is a very important aspect in combinatorics. The proof of an inverse relation is complex and requires high skills.

当然,对于数学,即使是最纯粹的数学理论,也会有其合适的用途。"Combinatorics", a branch of maths explored by Mr Erdös, can be used to calculate the number of tiles needed to pave an irregular space.

因为是访问教授,所以我可以定期的访问李学良教授、他所在组合数学中心以及中心的同事和学生。Since I obtained this visiting professorship I can visit him, and his colleagues and students at the Center for Combinatorics on a regular basis.

另一方面,多元样条函数与基础数学的一些领域,如,抽象代数,代数几何,微分方程及组合数学等,亦有着密切关联。Moreover, multivariate splines also have certain relations with pure mathematics, such as, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry combinatorics and so forth.

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这门课程用的数学涉及到线性代数、机率论、代数、组合学和各式其他的相关领域。The mathematical content of this course involves some linear algebra, probability theory, algebra, combinatorics and topics from a variety of other fields.

分析所使用的数学工具必须包括组合学、概率论、已经灵敏的代数运算,还必须具有在公式中确定大部分项的能力。The mathematical tools required may include combinatorics , probability theory, algebraic dexterity, and the ability to identify the most significant terms in a formula.

我不知道中国是否还有更强的组合数学中心,但是这个中心显然已经非常卓越了,这也是我为什么来这里访问的原因之一。I don't know if in China there is a stronger center of combinatorics , this center is certainly a very distinguished place. I must say this is one of the reasons why I come here.