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我真心这样想。I mean this sincerely.

我朴拙地相信。I sincerely believe that.

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我正诚地向你道歉。I sincerely apologize to you.

谨以挚诚的心向沈殿霞女士致意!Tribute is sincerely paid to Ms.

今天我向您致上崇高的敬意。On this day I honor you sincerely.

圣诞节诚心送祝福!Sincerely to send Christmas wishes!

“谢谢,”梅利恳挚说。"Thank you, " Melly said sincerely.

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我们真诚地希望各位能够共襄盛举。We sincerely hope you will be with us.

你必须真诚地祈望幸福生活。You must sincerely desire to be happy.

我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。I sincerely hope you will soon recover.

价格19800。诚心买看车可小议!Price 19800 sincerely to buy a car can on!

崧铂人真诚期待您的到来!We sincerely look forward to your arrival!

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凭良心说我认为不要,但是你需要知道。I sincerely doubt it, but you need to know.

此人,性格平和,不好高骛远,待人真挚。Our nature, gentle, treats people sincerely.

恒裕全体员工真诚地欢迎您的到来!Hengyu all staff sincerely welcome your visit!

我衷心祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功!I sincerely wish this meeting a great success!

系统,做您最理想的合作伙伴。EBONG is sincerely to become your best partner.

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衷心祝愿他青春永驻,艺术尝新。Sincerely wish him eternal youth, art epistemic.

我们衷心祝愿俄罗斯发展得更好。China sincerely wishes Russia better development.

泉兴泵阀真诚欢迎您的来电,请稍后。Quanxing pump&Valve sincerely welcomes your call.