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如此的轻盈妩媚!So lightsome and ethereal and seductive!

尽可能地让书房多一些轻盈。Make a study as far as possible some more lightsome.

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用最轻盈的脚步跨过生命中最沉重的事情。Cross the heaviest thing in life with the most lightsome pace.

仿佛,我的心是秋日里的一阵风,轻盈,清爽,不负重荷。My heart is like the autumn wind, lightsome , relaxed in awe, and irresponsible.

我的歌声,写成音符,能否和风筝一样轻盈地飞在蓝天上?Could my singing flies in the blue sky as lightsome as a kite?If it was wrote into notes?

而是使无力的脂肪组织变成肌肉,使身体变得轻盈灵敏。Make faint adipose organization becomes muscle however, make the body becomes lightsome and nimble.

客厅所有粉红色的储物柜都是悬空的,给人一种轻盈之感。The sitting room is all pink store content ark is impending, give a person a kind of lightsome sense.

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墙角的一只别致的立钟使一切显得不那么沉重,增添几许轻盈。A of the corner establish a bell chicly to make everything appears so not heavy, add how much lightsome.

站在满是繁花的树下,我忍不住再一次想你。想你的感觉,心轻盈得仿。Standing in the tree was full of flowers, I couldn't help but think again. You may copy, lightsome feeling.

轻盈呈半透明乳状眼膜,无需清洗或撕掉,可直接涂抹后睡觉。Lightsome show film of translucent lacteal eye, need not be cleaned or rip off, can sleep after direct daub.

纸质的灯罩因为轻盈方便安放,可以让主人随心情更换不同的灯罩。Because papery chimney is lightsome convenient put, can let host change along with the mood different chimney.

极致唯美,轻盈的感觉,上班穿也非常适合,胸前的钩花实在是太美丽了。Acme aestheticism, lightsome feeling, work wear also great for, the chest of a hook flower is really beautiful.

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突然袭来一股淡淡的怀旧风,不仅吹起轻盈洁白的羽毛,还伴随幽幽的红酒香。Suddenly comes the gentle breeze of nostalgia, blowing the white lightsome feathers, with the fragrance of wine.

许多新型卫生间从顶到地浑然一体,轻盈、通透、迷人。A lot of new-style toilet reach the ground from the top one integrated mass, lightsome , connect fully, attractive.

若追求现代风格,建议消费者选择轻盈飘逸的棉麻织品为佳。If pursuit is stylish, the cotton linen fabrics with proposal lightsome and elegant consumer preference is beautiful.

她是一位严厉又幽默的好老师,她每天捧着崭新的书本,迈着轻盈的脚步,满面春风的走向讲台。She eis a tough and humor, good teacher, she holds new books every day, with lightsome pace, all smiles to the podium.

粉质细腻、柔和,调整肤色,滋润保湿,妆效轻盈自然,均匀服帖。Opaque is exquisite, downy, adjust color of skin, moist protect wet, makeup effect is lightsome and natural, even docile.

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千年的情话儿,还是这轻盈的落花早已化身为呢喃着美丽誓言的细雨。The millennium, or it is lightsome feeling message has fallen petal incarnated into twitters beautiful promises to shower.

它一改往日的沉重,使家居变得轻盈起来,带来些许放飞心情的轻松感。It changes former days heavy, make household becomes lightsome rise, bring trifling the light touch that puts flying state of mind.

那孩子沿着溪流唱着走开了,她想把更明快的歌声融进溪水的忧郁腔调中。The child went singing away, following up the current of the brook, and striving to mingle a more lightsome cadence with its melancholy voice.