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美国唱片行业协会是唱片公司和艺人的代表。The RIAA represents record companies and their performers.

唱片协会以盗版罪指控布莱娜从互联网上非法下载音乐。The RIAA accused Brianna of stealing after she illegally downloaded music off the Internet.

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唱协称交换音乐文件无异于从唱片店偷窃CD。The RIAA says that file swapping is no different from shoplifting9 a CD from a music store.

被起诉人中有一位71岁的德州老人,因为孙子们用他的电脑从网上复制了音乐。One person the RIAA sued was a 71-year-old Texas man whose grandchildren used his computer to copy music from the Internet.

一些下载音乐的人申辩说唱协起诉12岁的小姑娘和年老的祖父们是找错了对象。Some people who download music argue that the RIAA is going after the wrong people when it sues 12-year-old girls and grandfathers.

此外,YouTube也有其潜在的法律问题,而且也正被RIAA和其他机构因侵权问题起诉。Furthermore, YouTube has potentially serious legal problems and is being sued by the the RIAA and others for copyright infringement.

RIAA可以起诉这些引导人们下载盗版音乐的博客犯了“帮助版权侵害”的罪。The RIAA could make a claim that bloggers who direct people to pirated music may be committing "contributory copyright infringement."

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RIAA迅速找到了问题所在并在数小时内恢复了页面,不过此时网站被攻击的消息早已是人尽皆知。The RIAA fixed the problem within a few hours and eventually all the ‘lost’ content was restored, but not before thousands of people had fun with it.

不过,即使托马斯赢了下次诉讼,RIAA也会以上诉来确保侵犯版权而不受惩罚的事情不会再次发生。Even if Thomas-Rasset were to win the next trial, the RIAA would likely appeal that decision to ensure that copyright infringement without penalization won't happen.

RIAA拒绝对此发表评论,但是据一位拒绝透露姓名的MP3发布者说,音乐从业者对此非常合作。The RIAA declined to comment for this story, but the publisher of one MP3 aggregator, who asked to remain anonymous, says music labels have been extremely cooperative.

一直以来,RIAA通过收集到的证据,利用法律威胁人们获得了不知多少金钱。For ages, perhaps since the beginning of time, the RIAA has been making huge piles of cash by threatening people with legal action on the basis of 'evidence' they have gathered.