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扔下它不管。Threw it regardless.

忽略可能发生的错误。Mistakes will happen regardless.

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但无论如何她还是不死心。But she did not give it up regardless.

卡夫方面表示这场收购还在紧急进行中。Kraft says it is pressing on regardless.

它们还是会掉下,尽管有电荷。They will fall regardless of the charge.

他不顾天在下雨,就跑出去了。He ran out, regardless of the heavy rain.

他尽自睡着,也不管外面吵闹的声音。He sleeps regardless of the noise outside.

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有人不要命了,去抢劫。Some people are regardless of life to rob.

不论是谁做的漂亮的工作,都给予称赞。Praise good work, regardless of who did it.

他们不惜成本装饰这栋房子。They decorated the house regardless of cost.

他不惜一切成本装修他的房子。They decorated the house regardless of cost.

落花有意随流水,流水无心恋落花。Waters flow by regardless of shatters'wills!

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使我们失望的是他不顾大局。His regardless of overall status let us down.

是我太任性,不顾你的感受。Am I too wayward, regardless of your feelings.

不管风吹雨淋,从不改变。Regardless of wind and rain, and never change.

一直以来,无论天气,你中有我。Always, regardless of the weather, you have Me.

他说不管花多少钱他都要把它买下来。He said he would buy it, regardless of expense.

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他不听警告,偏要玩火。Regardless of warnings he would play with fire.

在十月一日,星期一,我们将组织一次清仓销售,现有库存不论成本都将清售。Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost.

恢复无论任何原因丢失的数据。Undeleted data regardless of any data loss causes.