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别跟我嬉皮笑脸的。Don't trifle with me.

我有点震惊。I was a trifle shocked.

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不要虚度光阴。Don't trifle away your time.

这件连衣裙稍短了点。This dress is a trifle short.

别总叨唠那件小事。Don't rattle over that trifle.

这袋稍重了一点。This bag is a trifle too heavy.

不要把那样的小事放在心里。Don't take suck a trifle to heart.

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下面小编就为大家介绍一下乳脂松糕的做法。So let's see how to make the trifle.

这酒喝得他有点醉意了。The wine has made him a trifle tipsy.

不要玩弄那个女孩的感情。Don't trifle with the girl's affections.

这点小事不足挂齿。It's a trifle thing not worth mentioning.

我的头发变白是一件小事。It is a trifle that my hair is turning GREy.

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别把时间都浪费在搜集古玩上面。Don't trifle away your time on curio hunting.

将任何事都视为琐碎小事的人是一个胆大无谋的人。He is a bold man who calls anything a trifle.

我有点胖并且我是中等个子。I am a trifle fat and I am to win to wait statures.

用不着为了这么一点小事动火。There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.

但比起后续的一切,这个视频可以说是不值一提。But the video was a trifle compared with what came next.

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安全无小事,无论是质量安全还是食品安全。There is no trifle for safety regardless of quality or food.

他敏捷地朝挤满了人的舞厅瞟了一眼。He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom.

“那个人再来那么一点的话,”他会说,“我就要气炸了。”"A trifle more of that man, " he would say, "and I shall explode.