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这当然也引起我的忿怒。That of course raised my ire.

华尔街优先获得甲流疫苗激起民愤。Flu shots for Wall Street stirs ire in NY.

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接下来的几天,这些家长将怒火转向了蒋先生。The next day, the parents directed their ire at Mr. Jiang.

然而事后,她略微担忧索姆威勒的愤慨。However, Summerville's ire was the least of her worries afterward.

给价格上涨放的短暂假期并没有平息愤怒。A brief holiday from price increases has not appeased motorists' ire.

这帮坏坏的小家伙们,就此惹怒了稻草人!The help of less encouraging kids, now the ire of the scarecrow! ! ! ! !

同时还不能引起纳税人和国会的反感。And it must do so without raising the ire of taxpayers and shaiya gold Congress.

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我们讨论表面的情绪、忿怒或是漠不关心,并且责怪另一方。We talk about the surface emotions, the ire or indifference, and blame the other.

她的愤怒滑入我们之间,像父亲工作间的那把扳手,在我们相连的骨头上扳扭着。Her ire slid between us like the spanner from Father’s workshop, straining our hinge.

旅客蹒跚行走的画面,引来媒体的批判。The sight of travelers huffing and puffing their way along drew the ire of the media.

威姆斯特和比尔斯利也因此成为后来的读者反映批评家的众矢之的。It is Wimsatt and Beardsley who also bear the brunt of the later "reader-response" critics' ire.

他是那么充满愤怒和仇恨,以至于最后18个月里他还一直沉迷在这些情绪之中。He was so full of ire and hatred that he spent the last 18 months of his life obsessed with this.

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“我们防守不好,”弗格森说,不过他最生气的还是球队的攻击手。"We didn't defend well, " Ferguson said, though his main ire was reserved for the team's attackers.

判例法和成文法分别是普通法系和大陆法系的主要法律渊源。Case law and statute law ire individually the main source of law in the common -law system and civil-law system.

在他的任期内,卡扎菲充分的表现出了,对作为历史上利比亚殖民地的统治者意大利的愤怒。For much of his tenure, Qaddafi directed his ideological anti-colonial ire at Italy, Libya's colonial-era ruler.

伊斯兰行动阵线党的某些成员甘冒同伴的忿怒,不顾该党对选举的抵制,坚决前往投票。Some members of the Islamic Action Front risked the ire of comrades by ignoring the boycott, and running anyway.

后来,分析师之间就开始流传有关达菲如何在他们触怒了银行主管之后仍力挺他们的故事。Later, analysts would trade stories about how Mr. Duffy backed them when their calls stirred bank executives' ire.

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引起欧瑞恩快刃愤怒的那些人很快便会学到,决斗家们不只是非正式的武器大师。Those who attract the ire of an Orien swiftblade quickly learn that the duelists are more than casual weapon masters.

但百度或只是打算在不触怒政府的前提下扩大业务,而非悔改过错。But rather than repenting, the company may just be trying to expand without drawing the ire of the Chinese government.

锭杆是纺机中一种数量大、转速高、尖端要求耐磨的杆状零件。The spindle blade of a spinning machine is characterized by high rotation speed and good wearability at ire pivot end.