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我不由地想起那幅令人作呕的画来。I am reminded of that nauseating picture.

有一股令人恶心的腐烂食物的气味。There is a nauseating smell of rotten food.

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我什么也不想吃,我有点儿恶心。I don't want to eat anything, I'm nauseating.

造成这种肉麻我的直觉里面。Causing this, nauseating feeling inside my gut.

有最令人恶心的腐烂食物的恶臭味。There was the most nauseating stink of rotten food.

公寓排水管道发出恶臭。Bad, nauseating smells coming from drainpipes into apartments.

法官将这些犯罪行为描述为“令人作呕、说不出口”。The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.

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希望大家放下“臭架子”,博爱世人博爱世界吧!Hope you all get down nauseating airs! Love people and love world!

没有卑贱无耻肉麻的赞美或奉承而荒谬言论。No lowly shameless nauseating and absurd remarks of praise or flattery.

虽然新鲜,龙涎香是黑暗的,有猎奇的一致性和令人作呕的气味。While fresh, ambergris is dark, with flabby consistency and a nauseating odor.

但对于讨厌洋葱的人而言,洋葱的辛辣的味道和刺激性的气味让他们作呕。But for onion-haters, the sharp flavors and strong smells can be almost nauseating.

辞藻丰富华丽的文章很难消化,一般来讲让人感到不适,有时甚至恶心。Rich, ornate prose is hard to digest, generally unwholesome, and sometimes nauseating.

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需求是发明之母,将人类排泄物变成食物令人作呕。Necessity is the mother of invention. Turning human excreta into food is quite nauseating.

便宜的耳机对我来说根本没有作用,那种嗡嗡声让我感觉被火车包围。The cheap headsets have never done it for me, to drown out that nauseating hum of the engines.

通过训练使大鼠建立起糖精和恶心感的相关性,并对甜味产生排斥。Rats were taught to associate a nauseating sensation with saccharin and so to shun the sweet taste.

机器技术将替代所有物种,这种想想就觉得恶心的恐惧已经从我心中摒弃了。The nauseating fear that machine technology will replace all living species has subsided in my mind.

我们不应该让腹部代替我们思索的大脑,不管那些人对待Bibi和艾莎的方式有多么令人作呕。However nauseating the treatment of Bibi or Aisha, it would be a mistake to let our stomachs rule our heads.

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它有令人恶心的气味和辛辣口味,所以可以把它们加入酒精和防冻剂里,使它们不能饮用。Because it has a nauseating odour and a burning taste, it is added to ethanol and antifreezes to make them undrinkable.

无论他写的文章和发表的声明是多么的肉麻令人不适,他还是有一些独一无二且富有价值的见解是值得与我们分享的。No matter how nauseating his prose and pronouncements may be, he has some very unique and worthwhile insights to share.

所以把灯关上,坐下享受你选择的电影,不管他是令人作呕还是令人恶心,或者恐怖。So turn off the lights, sit back and enjoy the movies that you have chosen, whether it is revolting, nauseating or spooky.