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由两个或多个心皮形成的开裂干果。A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel.

写花程式时,子房上位的表示方法是在心皮数下加一横线。In a floral formula a superior ovary is denoted by a line below the carpel number.

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乳突组织是由心皮边缘和顶端分生组织的表皮细胞及表皮下的几层细胞分裂发育而来的。The papilla tissue is from the cells of epidermis of apex and the edges of carpel.

哥们儿,发短信是可以,但是我发得手好累,咱们还是打电话说吧。Dude, I'm good with texting but this is giving me carpel tunnel, let's go primitive.

蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia.

哥们儿,发短信是可以,但是我发得手好累,咱们还是打电话说吧。明天8点我打电话给你。Dude, I'm good with texting but this is giving me carpel tunnel, let's go primitive. I'll call you tomorrow at 8.

由单个心皮形成的通常沿两条缝开裂的干果,如豆荚。A dry dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel and usually opening along two lines of dehiscence as a pea pod.

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十月中旬起心皮向内合生并与中轴连合形成中轴胎座。The carpel closed toward and connected with the ovary central column to form axile placentation since mid October.

兄弟,我可以发短信,但是手会累的,我们还是打电话说吧,明天10点我给你打电话。Dude, I'm good with texting but this is giving me carpel tunnel, let's "go primitive" I'll call you tomorrow at 10.

生殖生长锥直径和细胞数的增加在生长锥膨大期和心皮分化期较高。The increase of cell number and diameter of apical point was higher in both extension phase and carpel differentiation phase.

随着花分生组织的发育,基因表达的区域也在扩大,涵盖了整个的背部区域,但并不包括心皮原基。Along with the floral meristem development, Ljcyc2 expression increases into the whole dorsal region without carpel primordia.

扁桃果实由单心皮上位子房发育而成,边缘胎座,横生胚珠。The almond fruit was developed from solitary carpel in the superior ovary which there were the border placenta and amphitropous ovule.

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这些相互作用都涉及雌蕊识别和拒绝自身花粉以及接受不同植株花粉的能力。These interactions all involve the ability of the carpel to recognize and reject its own pollen and accept pollen from a different plant.

心皮是植物的繁殖器官,性状相对稳定,是划分类群和阐明演化关系的重要依据。Carpel is the reproductive organ of plant and its character is relatively stable, so it is an important basis of treating taxa and explaining evolutionary relationship.

本文透过腕隧道症候群手术后遗症病例报告,凸显出中医的针灸及伤科手法的运用得当,配合心理建设,可以在监床治疗上获得意想不到的效果。This article shows excellent effect can be reached when TCM acupuncture and manipulation technique combined with psychological counseling on the side effects of operation on carpel tunnel syndromes.