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找到一个模式,作为你最喜欢的工具,而不要奴隶般地追随。Use it as a model for choosing your favorite tools, rather than following it slavishly.

苹果表示三星的银河系列手机和平板“奴隶般的”复制了它的iphone和ipad。Apple says Samsung's Galaxy line of mobile phones and tablets "slavishly" copied its iPhone and iPad.

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因此,生搬硬套这种形式,其成功与否则非常令人担忧。Therefore, copy mechanically and apply slavishly this form, Otherwise their success and very worrying.

这和把干花压在玻璃下展现自然一样生搬硬套,一样简单。This is as slavishly representative, and just as easy, as arranging dried flowers under glass to convey nature.

它解决了Subbu等人所谈论的有关最初的模型不应该盲目使用的担心么?Does it address the concerns of Subbu and others who state that the original model should not be used slavishly?

在基本概念不清的情况下,生搬硬套“国际警戒线”又有何意义。In the basic concepts unclear circumstances, copy mechanically and apply slavishly "international warning line" What significance.

关于签订合同,可以视情况不同签订不同的条款,切不可一概而论,生搬硬套。On the contract, as the case may be different between different provisions must not generalize, copy mechanically and apply slavishly.

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就谷哥事件来说,虽然中国政府或许不会接受这种不妥协,但是如果虔诚的遵循第一条规则,那么做生意成功的可能性还是很大的。Although the Chinese government may not accept such intransigence, as in Google's case, the odds are better if firms slavishly follow the first rule.

然而中国政府通常不会容忍像谷歌事件中这样的“不妥协态度”,死心塌地的按照第一条规矩行事,企业成功的可能性会更大一些。Although the Chinese government may not accept such intransigence, as in Google’s case, the odds are better if firms slavishly follow the first rule.

学生和家长们必须要好好想一想什么样的教育环境才是最适合自己的孩子的,而不要盲目的选择排名高的名牌大学。Students and parents must think hard about the type of educational setting that will best fit the student, and not slavishly follow the prestige rankings.

结果,他通常不守银行总部发出的无理命令,亦毋须像我们那样唯命是从。As a result, he usually felt free not to follow nonsensical directives from the bank headquarters or to respond so slavishly as the rest of us felt we had to.

为客户留有个性化的装饰空间,突破购房者心目中菜单式装修就是生搬硬套的概念。Customers have personalized decoration for the space, breaking the hearts of the menu-style house decoration is copy mechanically and apply slavishly concept.

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苹果控告三星说它“照抄”了iPad和iPhone的设计过了仅仅几天,三星电子马上予以回击,起诉苹果声称这一商业竞争对手侵犯了自己的专利权。Samsung Electronics is suing Apple, claiming its rival violated its patent rights, days after Apple accused Samsung of "slavishly" copying designs of its iPad and iPhone.

艳俗艺术揭示了当代大众在现代拜物主义心理驱动下,亦步亦趋模仿流行时尚时,所流露出的浮华艳丽,世俗虚荣的大众审美情趣。When the public slavishly imitated popular fashion drove by the present fetishism mental, the gaudy art uncovered the public taste of vanity, flamboyance, secular vainglory.

它越是背离那最初的革命狂热,它就越是盲目地抓住它建立的那些教条不放,那些是被它看作是在一个不确定的世界里面唯一确定的东西。The further it gets from its original revolutionary fervor, the more slavishly it clings to all its constitutive principles, which it sees as the only certainty in an uncertain world.