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我永远也不能让这个呆头呆脑的东西运转。I'll never get this bone-headed contraption to work.

这个神奇的电动机械装置造了两个星期的时间。The electric-powered contraption took about two weeks to build.

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这是用超音波把平常的自来水分解成雾状。The supersonic contraption disintegrates common tap water into mist.

自行飞车采用生物燃料,环保无污染,最高可飞到4000英尺的高空。Powered by bio-fuel, this eco-friendly contraption can reach heights of 4,000 feet.

系统更复杂了,被立法的是收保护费的黑帮。The system is more complex. What has been legislated is a Rube Goldberg contraption.

这个精巧的设计将确保你了解早上赖床的具体成本。This contraption will ensure you understand the literal cost of your morning laziness.

取而代之,NASA希望给它配置一个神奇的装置——空中起重机。Instead, NASA hopes to deposit it on Mars using a contraption it has dubbed a skycrane.

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如果一个由你操控的装配工将要装配一个机械,则改为装配两个机械。If a Rigger you control would assemble a Contraption , it assembles two Contraptions instead.

在克服了先前出现的几个挫折后,船员们用虹管将石油吸回,而工程师们则远程控制这些机器潜水艇。Engineers finally got the contraption to siphon the oil working Sunday after several setbacks.

你相信这个驾驶舱,就在右图貌不惊人的「铁盒」中吗?Would you believe this cockpit is actually all inside the unprepossessing contraption on the right?

一个类似螃蟹的新装置蛮横的横行越过饼干状的星球,它的玻璃肚皮里装着一颗星星。A crablike contraption sidles menacingly across a biscuit shaped planet, housing a star in its glass belly.

这是很容易想象艾伯斯围绕在精巧中心水晶球大惊小怪。It is quite easy to imagine Albus Dumbledore fussing around the crystal ball at the center of the contraption.

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路上的行人看见我骑着蓝灰色的新玩意穿越滑铁卢大桥前去工作,都相当诧异。Pedestrians were surprised to see me on this blue-grey contraption heading across Waterloo Bridge and to work.

这是一个难以置信的装置,炮镗就超过一码,石弹的重量就超过一千磅。This is an incredible contraption that had a bore of more than a yard, and through a rock weighing a thousand pounds.

这几年,Larry一直在实验数字化图书。Within a couple of years, Larry was experimenting with digitizing books using a jury-rigged contraption in our office.

围在一个大圆桌边,每位食客都能分别享用一个由桌下的特殊装置加热的汤锅。There, around a big round table, each diner has his or her own pot of broth heated by some contraption under the table.

一档新的国家地理频道的特别节目播出了一套复杂的装置,它叫“WCS”或“废物收集器”。A new National Geographic Channel special lays out the intricate contraption known as "WCS" or "waste collection system.

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这种精密的装置里放了几小盘牛血和其他物质,上面盖有模仿皮肤的薄膜。The contraption held small plates of cattle blood and other substance that were covered by a thin membrane to mimic skin.

在短期内我们不能看到-或者说永远也看不到的是,根据梦露介绍—是一个可以从一个点到另一个点“瞬移”人类的装置。What we won't see soon — or ever, according to Monroe — is a contraption that can teleport humans from one point to another.

还记得我们一碰到任何名字中带有“电”这个词的汽车,就会联想起很囧、笨拙缓慢的机器吗?Remember when any vehicle with the ‘e-word’ in its name brought to mind some awkward-looking and ponderously slow contraption?