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诺顿昏沉沉地慢慢走向他的办公室。Norton walks slowly toward his office. Dazed.

尽管诺顿的这个功能不如填表机器人来得有弹性。Norton isn't quite as flexible as Roboform, though.

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直到某猪头又装上了诺顿。Until the brilliant IT person installed Norton again.

海格急忙转身出去召集人手,诺顿转身对着瑞德。Haig scurries out, gathering men. Norton spins to Red.

瑞德看到诺顿带着一队随从怒气冲天的走上来。Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.

诺顿走上来,随意的找牢房简单的搜查。Norton arrives, makes a thin show of picking a cell at random.

罗杰诺顿说每个人都被沃森的表现感到惊讶。Roger Norton says everyone was amazed by Watson's performance.

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同时,他提供了可以免费试用半年的诺顿杀毒软件半年。Meanwhile, it was giving out half-year free trial of Norton Anti-Virus.

抵挡这么一柄钝剑,诺顿的回应当然言之在理。Against such a foil, Ms Holmes Norton could hardly help sounding reasonable.

能够监视和维护赛门铁克诺顿防病毒企业版。Be able to monitor and maintain Symantec Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition.

我还阅读迪克逊、海因莱因和H.比姆·皮普的作品,还有许多安德鲁·诺顿的书。I also read Dickson, Heinlein, and H. Beam Piper, and a lot of Andre Norton.

家用防毒、网路安全和防间谍程式产品。Norton AntiVirus, Internet security, and anti-spyware products for the home.

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也是在那年,典狱长诺顿开始实行他的著名的‘狱外‘计划。That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous "Inside-Out" program.

1963年美国气象学家爱德华•诺顿•洛伦茨提出了混沌理论。In1963, Edward Norton Lorenz, an American meteorologist, proposed the chaos theory.

诺顿项目能够在一个废弃的石灰石矿中存储27亿瓦的电力。The Norton project could store 2.7 gigawatts of power in an abandoned limestone mine.

诺顿稍点了一下头,哈雷和特劳特开始彻底的翻腾这间牢房。Norton gives a curt nod. Hadley and Trout start tossing the cell in a thorough search.

当然我们会去那儿的,想去的人可以和我一起,看到早期手稿的版本。those of you who want to come with me that you now find in The Norton and other books.

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在一月31日,一个名叫塞普拉的赶狗拉雪橇的人必须什么一个结冰的水湾,名叫诺顿湾。On January 31, a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound.

比尔•盖茨——肯尼斯•布拉纳、莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥、杰克•达文波特、爱德华•诺顿和贾斯汀•朗。Bill Gates -- Kenneth Branagh, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Davenport, Ed Norton and Justin Long.

诺顿呆呆地坐在办公桌前,面前放着手枪。门把手被拧地。Norton sits blankly at his desk, revolver before him. The doorknob rattles, a VOICE is heard.