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试验中的硒元素以亚硒酸钠的形式提供。The selenium are supplied in the form of sodium selenite.

用丹酚酸A或亚硒酸钠可激活钾通道开放。Salvianolic acid A or sodium selenite activated potassium channels.

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但无机的亚硒酸盐却是以有机形式的硒起著营养作用。But inorganic selenite is just as nutritionally effective as selenium in organic form.

方法观察亚硒酸钠对各组大鼠实验性矽肺治疗后的病理形态改变。Methods Studying on pathological change of experimental silicosis due to sodium selenite.

目的研究不同剂量亚硒酸钠对小鼠大脑皮层神经皮质细胞的损伤作用。Objective To observe the damage of sodium selenite on cultured cortical neurons and its mechanism.

方法运用细胞培养法、集落形成试验及分裂指数试验探讨亚硒酸钠对SGC-7901细胞的抑制作用。Methods Grovvth curve, colony-forming test and mitotic index were used to study the effect of sodium selenite.

结果显示,相比亚硒酸钠,硒代硫酸钠具有较低的长期毒性。The results indicated that selenosulfate remain lower long-term selenium toxity compared with sodium selenite.

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在墨西哥奇瓦瓦沙漠地底深处的水晶洞窟中,人类探索者与巨大的亚硒酸盐柱相比之下就像是小矮人。Massive beams of selenite dwarf human explorers in Mexico's Cave of Crystals, deep below the Chihuahuan Desert.

氟离子与四价硒在不同浓度比例下混合作用,其拮抗作用程度不同,并呈一定规律性变化。The combined action degree of fluoride and selenite varied with their different mixture ratios and changed in a regular way.

自硫酸-硝酸-酒石酸-草酸溶液中用亚硒酸可定量沉淀钽。The selenite of tantalum was precipitated quantitatively from sulfuric-nitric-tartaricoxalic acid solution by means of selenous acid.

采用在培养基中添加亚硒酸钠的方法来研究硒对蛹虫草菌丝代谢和总抗氧化能力的影响。Effects of selenium on metabolism and total anti-oxidation of Cordyceps militari hypha was studied by adding sodium selenite in medium.

在奇瓦瓦沙漠下面的墨西哥水晶洞穴里,亚硒酸盐形成的巨大柱体使人类探险家看上去如此矮小。Cave of Crystals, Mexico Massive beams of selenite dwarf human explorers in Mexico's Cave of Crystals, deep below the Chihuahuan Desert.

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视黄酸和亚硒酸钠同时处理的联合组作用强度接近于两者单独使用时作用强度的加和。The effect of the combined use of retinoic acid and sodium selenite was closed to the sum of that of retinoic acid and sodium selenite used separately.

应用MTT比色分析法比较研究有机硒化物—硒化壳聚糖和无机硒化物—亚硒酸钠对白血病K562细胞的作用。The anti leukemia effects of organic selenium compound and inorganic selenium compound-sodium selenite were studied in K562 cells in culture with MTT colorimetric assay.

本文以4,6-二溴代苤硒脑为活性物质,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为增塑剂,PVC为支持体研制了亚硒酸根离子选择性电极。A new selenite ion selective electrode using 4,6-dibromopiaselenole as clectroactive material, PVC as membrane matrix and dibutyl phthalate as plasticizer has been developed.

研究一定浓度镉离子诱导离体SD大鼠肾细胞的凋亡及引起细胞内钙稳态的失调,并分析亚硒酸钠对镉离子上述作用的影响。Objective To study apoptosis and disequilibrium of calcium homeostasis induced by cadmium in SD rat kidney cells, and to analyse this processes being influenced by the sodium selenite.