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目的合成罗库溴铵。Aim To study the synthesis of rocuronium bromide.

目的合成维库溴铵。Aim To study the synthesis of vecuronium bromide.

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当选择感光纸时,应以能表现被拍物体色调层次为准。Bromide papers must be accordingly choosed to give distinct gradation.

建立了HPLC法测定噻托溴铵含量。HPLC method was established for the determination of tiotropium bromide.

其中使用NBS代替亚硫酰溴作为溴代试剂。In this process NBS was Instead of thionyl bromide as a Bromide reagents.

如果你知道那句老话“你问了你还买不起吗?”Well, you know that old bromide “If you have to ask you can’t afford it?”

在大量发生时则用氰酸气、氯化苦、溴甲烷等药熏蒸。In a large occurs is isomeric with gas, LvHuaGu, methyl bromide fumigation medicine.

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感觉在同时顺从了”它只能变得更好”的陈词滥调。What?” feeling while at the same time following the “It can only get better” bromide.

在哈纳斯法中,溴化碘试剂代替氯化碘被使用。In the Hanus method, an iodine bromide reagent is used instead of iodine monochloride.

样本加样RNA量用溴化乙锭染色法评估。The amount of transferred RNA was estimated using the ethidium bromide staining method.

尝试局部类固醇鼻准备或鼻内异丙托溴铵睡前。Try topical nasal steroid preparation or intranasal ipratropium bromide before bedtime.

四丁基溴化铵和甲醇钠构成该反应的双组份催化剂。Tetrabutyl ammonium bromide and sodium methoxide were used as catalyst for the reaction.

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百多邦对皮肤刺激性小但消毒效果低于新洁尔灭酊。Benzalkonium Bromide Tincture had better disinfection effect, but had irritation to skin.

压力计中所用的其它液体有水,有机溶液以及溴化物溶液。Other liquids that are used in manometry are water, organic liquids and bromide compounds.

本文分析了我国淘汰甲基溴的利弊。The writer analyzed the advantage and disadvantage on phasing-out methyl bromide in China.

阐述了溴化锂吸收式制冷机的运行管理与维护。Operation control and maintenance of lithium bromide absorption refrigerator were introduced.

依据氧化剂和络合剂,分析溴化物浸金体系。The gold bromide leaching systems were discussed in detail according to oxidants and ligands.

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以邻苯二甲酸酐和环氧氯丙烷为原料合成环氧树脂。The tetrabutylamlomium bromide has been compounded byo-phthalic anhydride and epichlorohydrin.

扩增产物用琼脂糖凝胶电泳、溴化乙锭染色检测。The PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis in agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide.

溴化银加入各种化学增感剂后,又可使其感受染色光。By adding various dyes to the silver bromide it can be made additionally sensitive to green light.