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殖民地化的过程又是怎样?What is the process of colonization?

也许欧洲殖民化就是错误的。Maybe the European colonization isn't right.

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开拓殖民地在哈布斯堡王朝就进行过。Colonization took place during the Habsburg dynasty.

殖民地化可能是监禁最隐匿的形式。Colonization is perhaps the most insidious form of imprisonment.

日本的目标是中国的殖民化,这是个极其宏大的计划。Japan’s aim is the colonization of China, a really grandiose plan.

换言之,驱使殖民者开拓殖民地的,并非只有一种心态。In other words, it's not just one mindset that drives colonization.

本论文开展了突变株在水稻根表定殖能力的初步研究。Also colonization on the surface of rice root of nirS mutant was studied.

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在法国殖民时期,泰人社会发生了很多变化。Many changes in the Tai society took place during the French colonization.

也就不难想像他会为殖民化辩护。I don't think it's inconceivable he's also justifying colonization as well.

再者,地外殖民化有可能帮助容纳爆炸的人口。And, off-world colonization might help absorb an exploding human population.

睑缘炎是眼睑的炎症,通常由细菌群集而引起。Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid, usually from bacterial colonization.

英国殖民扩张开始于1583年纽芬兰的殖民化。English colonial expansion began with the colonization of Newfoundland in 1583.

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欧洲中世纪盛期的拓殖运动意义重大。The movement of colonization of Europe in the Middle Ages has great significance.

不同地区采集的蒙古韭菌根侵染率不同,由8。There are differences in colonization rates between different sites, ranged from 8.

消息传到欧洲后激发起了探险者的热潮并最终导致了美洲的殖民地化。As news reached Europe it sparked a wave of explorations and ultimately colonization.

对小鼠结肠组织原位标本进行潜生体定植的实验研究。Colonization of cryptic growth cells was studied by observing tissue sample directly.

废弃地的坡向和坡度也是影响植物定居的重要因子。The aspect and slope of wasteland are important factors affecting plant colonization.

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ICC非肿瘤性增生和克隆化可能解释这个现象。Colonization and hyperplasia by non-neoplastic ICCs likely account for this phenomenon.

为进一步筛选强根际能力木霉菌株提供优选材料。They could be used as the isolates with good colonization ability for further research.

这种社交网络殖民时代使网民享受反馈及时的体验,而传播到其他更多的网站。This Era of Social Colonization empowers the FB experience to spread to other websites.