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“我们需要从区域角度来分析这个问题,”Ingram表示。“We need a regional view of the business, ” Ingram says.

英格拉姆一只手梳理着他那永远也理不齐的蓬乱的红发。Ingram ran a hand through his perpetually untidy red hair.

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简心里很难过,以为他要娶布兰奇?英格兰姆。Jane, miserable, assumes he intends Co marry Blanche Ingram.

只有英格拉姆放声笑了出来,他资历最老,并深知西莉亚的为人。Only Ingram had the seniority, and knew Celia well enough, to laugh aloud.

朵瑞斯和她的女儿抓住彪悍的艾伊格雷的一缕头发,防止他逃脱。The two women grabbed burly Ingram in a head lock to stop him getting away.

Ingram用简单易懂的语言描述了业务评价局的作用。Ingram describes the role of the Operations Evaluation Department in simple terms.

Ingram说,世行对所有项目都进行评价,目前大约每年270个项目。Ingram says the Bank evaluates one hundred percent of its projects, now about 270 projects a year.

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英迈国际有限公司是全球最大的技术产品和供应链服务供应商。Ingram Micro Limited is the world's largest technology products and supply chain service providers.

“把所有这些东西投放到一个市场上,是一个涉及大量资源的审慎决定,”他说道。“Putting all of these things in the market is a conscious commitment of big resources, ” Ingram says.

莫尼说,海航集团的物流业务以及在中国的影响力将促进英迈的增长。Mr. Monié said that HNA Group's logistics and its presence in China would support the growth of Ingram.

特恩费得没做任何准备,没人去看望仅几英里之遥的英格姆一家。There were no preparations at Thornfield, and no visits to the Ingram family, who lived only a few miles away.

在交易完成之前,英迈将暂停其季度股息的支付和股票回购计划。Ingram will suspend its quarterly dividend payment and its share repurchase program until the deal is complete.

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阿切森和英格拉姆认为,到目前为止,还没有一部书能够引起强烈反响,使人们去积极地关注气候变化。So far, there has not been a book that has inspired many people to act on climate change, Atcheson and Ingram said.

但她和她的学生曾讨论道,“这本小说的讽刺性够强吗。”The novel is satire, Ingram said, but she and her students in discussions have asked, "Does the satire go far enough?

表妹19岁的时候还在大学的球队大巴上撸呢,哈哈哈,莺歌已经比这个年纪的表妹更强。Boogie was still in college jerkin off on the team bus when he was 19 lol. Ingram is already better than him at his age.

英迈国际有限公司,是全球最大的技术产品和供应链管理服务供应商。Ingram Micro Inc. is the largest global wholesale provider of technology products and supply chain optimization services.

Ingram表示,作为Amadeus地区发展策略的一部分,该公司将为其美国的航空公司客户开发专门的美国本土产品。Ingram says that as part of Amadeus’ regional strategy, it will develop exclusive U.S. products for its U.S. airline customers.

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这本小说并没有太多呈现关于气候变化的场景,因此并不足以引起人们的忧虑。并且这部小说的主要角色也没有起到这样一个作用。The book does not present a vision of climate change that is enough to scare people, Ingram said, and the lead character fails to inspire.

Ingram说,在出现分歧时,业务评价局的人员会与贷款业务人员就项目评级进行讨论,但业务评价局人员对评级有最终判断权。Ingram says the OED staff discuss project ratings with operational staff when there are differences, but have the final judgment on ratings.

书中的主角并不讨喜,英格拉姆说,他对食物及女人的欲望炒超出了“西方式的暴饮暴食和超前消费的理念。”The protagonist is unlikable, with appetites for food and women that Ingram said stand in for "Western society's gluttony and overconsumption."