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那手看上去粗糙干瘪。The hand looked chapped and wizened.

她说她头痛,看上去显得又衰老又干巴。She complained of headache, and she looked old and wizened.

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那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser.

他站在屋子角落一个支高的台子上,他是一个老人,满脸的皱纹和悲伤的表情。He was a wizened old man with wrinkled face and a sad expression.

许多人对这位前领导人老朽的样子感到震惊。Many were shocked by the wizened appearance of the former leader.

一位干瘦的农民正在码头上卖甘蔗。A WIZENED farmer selling sugarcane on the quayside is enthusiastic.

年迈干瘪的牛头人坐在火前,温暖着自己的老骨头。The ancient and wizened tauren sat in front of the fire, warming his old bones.

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消瘦的妇女们安静的坐在路边出售纺织品和民族手工艺品。Perched sedately on the kerbside, wizened women sell textiles and ethnic handicrafts.

最早的设计草图把他绘制成一个干瘪的老头,身穿深色长袍,头戴高帽。The original design sketches depicted a wizened old man sporting a dark cloak and a tall hat.

自然的鬼斧神工一经艺术法则的破坏,马上就会变得糟糕和脆弱不堪。Works of nature are, they think, made worse and altogether feebler when wizened by the rules of art.

已经干瘪的诸王及其配偶现身,是为了昭告众人,曼科印加乃是诸王之后,一脉相承。The wizened kings and their consorts reminded all that Manco Inca descended from a long line of kings.

地下房间里,一个老瘦的矮人是赌场的老板,他欢迎每一个污言秽语的人。Down in the dungeons, an old wizened dwarf acts as croupier, welcoming everyone with a stream of curses.

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为什么我挥霍了我的财富和视力,逃到了这里,变得又老又丑又驼背?Why did I spend my fortune and my eyesight, and then steal away to here, to grow wizened and ugly and bent?

胖人可能不会成天穷聊,但他们比那些干巴萎缩的人要好出百倍。Fat people may not be chortling all day long, but they're a hell of a lot nicer than the wizened and shriveled.

在雅文四号卫星马萨西遗址的义军基地里,清瘦的简·多登纳将军是一位战术家和战略家。General Jan Dodonna was the wizened tactician and strategist of the Rebel base at the Massassi site on Yavin 4.

到了旅途的终点站-巴里岛,在一名叫凯图,面容枯槁的男人指导下她打算终身信教。In Bali, her final destination, she planned to devote herself to prayer, studying under a wizened medicine man named Ketut.

他是上校的马夫,一个灰白皮肤的小干瘪侏儒,他正把大个的平板纸盒推送到她怀里。The Colonel's groom, a small wizened dwarf with grey skin, and he was pushing a large flattish cardboard box into her arms.

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我花了十年时间追踪一个“恶魔”,到头来却找到一个形容枯槁的老头,他深感懊悔而表现人道。I'd spent 10 years pursuing a "monster", and found instead a wizened old man who appeared to be contrite and displaying humanity.

不久,这个幻想破灭的少女回到了马娄特村,阴郁地单独生活著,直到她那幼小干瘦的婴儿死去。After a while back to marlott came the disillusioned girl where she lived in a gray seclusion until her wizened little baby's death.

他似乎老多了,不过那曾经多次侥幸脱险的老狐狸的神情仍然刻画在他那干瘪的老脸上。He seemed much aged, but the look of the old fox, who had escaped from so many tight fixes, was still imprinted on his wizened face.