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悲观是打败自己的最好方法。Pessimism is the eastest way of self- defeatism.

连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义。Not bothering to vote is a sure sign of defeatism.

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而且谨慎不应该被误解为失败主义。Yet wariness should not be mistaken for defeatism.

尤其严重的是,在英国人中间弥漫着一种阴郁的压抑情绪和失败主义思想。Worst of all, there is an oppressive air of gloom and defeatism among the British.

作为一个机构,欧盟害怕有关危机处理不力的一点点暗示都有可能使得惊慌扩散。But as an institution, the EU fears that even a hint of defeatism may spread panic.

汪精卫民族失败主义的产生、发展是一个历史过程。The emergence and development of Wang Jing-weis national defeatism was a historical process.

如其所言,肿瘤学中不变的事实之一,是“在失败和希望之间恶心地转圈”。One of the constants in oncology, as he says, is “the queasy pivoting between defeatism and hope.”

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对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty.

自我怀疑使得那些最辉煌的成就变质为自我憎恨与失败主义。The suspicion that colors our most brilliant successes always risks degenerating into self-hatred and facile defeatism.

哲学家还默默无闻,最关键的问题是宗教的容忍稍稍跟失败主义混淆了。Philosophers were unknown yet and the fundamental stake was one of religious toleration slightly confused with defeatism.

要在全球范围内解决问题,我们依然受犬儒主义、失败主义和过时的社会机构的制约。When it comes to problem-solving on a global scale, we remain weighed down by cynicism, defeatism and outdated institutions.

在该事业中,这些革命者必须要像他们培育的种子一样,惯于抵抗随时来袭的失败主义和绝望。In this business, the revolutionaries, as well as their seeds, must be resistant to the common blight of defeatism and despair.

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确实,我们可以听信那些悲观论调、孤立主义者的地方保护主义和排外主义而轻易的毁掉我们的未来。True, we can ruin our future if we listen to the voices of defeatism and give in to the classic isolationist tendencies of protectionism and xenophobia.

重申他的“中间道路”,号召远离失败主义或破坏性狂热,卡拉达维先生建议今日圣战最好的舞台可能存在于“思想、媒体和通讯领域”。Repeating his call for a "middle path", away from either defeatism or destructive zeal, Mr Qaradawi suggests that the best arena for today's jihad may be the "realm of ideas, media and communication.