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他气得连颌肌都暴突出来了。His jaw muscles knotted with anger.

她手臂的肌肉由于疲劳而突出出来。Her arm muscles have knotted with tiredness.

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它不能在打结的罗缎一块。It cannot be knotted to a piece of gros grain.

一看到警察来,那个恶棍就逃跑了。Seeing the police come, that rouge knotted it.

打结的绳环或扁带环是禁止使用的。Knotted rope or tape slings shall not be permitted.

这句话划过我的脑海,在我的胃里纠结着。The words slid from my brain, and knotted in my stomach.

在我们看来,阿里巴巴就像是一大团湿乎乎、打着结的纱线。In our view, Alibaba is like a big ball of wet knotted yarn.

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以鲜绿色、杂绿色、紫红色和玫瑰红结织。This is knotted in emerald green, lovat , magenta and rose-red.

真夜欣喜的双眉都快打结了。The double of the true night rejoice eyebrow almost knotted tie.

武士用多节疤棍棒的头敲打恶棍的指关节。The knight knocked the knave on his knuckles with a knotted knob.

他穿了一件合身的羊毛外套,脖子上围了一条丝质围巾。He wore a beautiful wool coat and a silk scarf knotted at his throat.

他们为他按摩,使收紧的肌肉揉捏的平滑舒松。They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.

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使民众重新回归到结绳记事的太古时代。Let people go back aboriginally using knotted ropes for simple reckoning.

一名警察把几根绳子打结,然后他爬上屋顶。A policeman knotted the pieces of string together then he climbed up the house.

波斯地毯都是手工编结的,编织一张波斯地毯需要极大的耐心。Persian rugs are hand- knotted . To make a carpet requires tremendous perseverance.

音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀,软化顽石和使千年老树弯腰的魅力。Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks and to bend a knotted oak.

她先用缝纫用的大剪子剪开了打结的绳子,然后和爸爸一起拆报纸。She snipped the knotted line with her sewing shears and they began to unwrap the newspaper.

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现在她用针和线绘出美丽的玫瑰花蕾和郁金香。Now she draws with a needle and thread, little knotted rosebuds, tulips made of silk thread.

长发绺是普通织饰扭曲成冗长的绳,打结或硬的编织物。Dreadlocks are ordinary tresses twisted into lengthy ropelike, knotted locks or stiff braids.

现在她用针和线来绘画,用丝线绣出带点刺的玫瑰花蕾,还有郁金香。Now she draws with a needle and thread, little knotted rosebuds , tulips made of silk thread.