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Wyatt先生是我的邻居。Mr. Wyatt is my neighbor.

怀亚特一针扎在他的脖子上。Wyatt stabs the man's neck.

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怀亚特收到了这条短信。is the message Wyatt receives.

怀亚特就是来杀光他们的。Wyatt has come to kill them all.

忽然,她看到怀亚特慢慢接近。Suddenly, Sara sees Wyatt approaching.

马宏将捆绑着的怀亚特扔进了河里。Mahone pushes a tied up Wyatt into the river.

办公室主任由倍儿悦曾举嶒担任。Office held by the Bel Wyatt has served as lofty.

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更不寻常的是露西·瓦特。Even more unusual was the inclusion of Lucy Wyatt.

苏克雷和马宏趁乱逃出,怀亚特紧跟其后。Sucre slips out with Mahone, and Wyatt chases them.

Wyatt先生是我的邻居,我们住在同一街道。Mr. Wyatt is my neighbor. we live on the same street.

在芝加哥,怀亚特正在审问捆绑着的班尼特。Back in Chicago, Wyatt interrogates a tied up Bennett.

怀亚特威胁道,“将军他老人家不喜欢被人打扰”。"The General," Wyatt threatens, "He likes his privacy.

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她开始狂奔,并且甩掉了怀亚特的追踪。She starts running and manages to lose Wyatt in the chase.

迈克·卡瓦洛说瓦特曾经是埃克哈特的女朋友。Mike Cavallo said that Wyatt had been Eckhardt's girlfriend.

怀亚特正想拔枪射向马宏时,警察到达了现场。Wyatt is about to shoot Mahone when police arrive on the scene.

杨小闯女士现任惠悦顾问公司的人力资本高级顾问。Sara Yang is a senior consultant at Watson Wyatt Beijing Office.

赛尔夫向马宏保证迟早会让他收拾怀亚特。Self promises that Mahone will eventually get his shot at Wyatt.

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怀亚特在警察局出现,发现了马宏被关在号子里。Wyatt shows up at the police station and seesMahone in the cell.

马宏亮出了怀亚特的照片,莎拉即刻认出了,就是他。Mahone shows her a photo of Wyatt and Sara confirms it is the same person.

“将军”下令怀亚特除掉所有与威斯勒接近的人。Pad Man instructs Wyatt to get rid of all those who are close to Whistler.