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所以,它永远不会伤到一个恢复精神的人。So, it never hurts for a little refresher.

这确实是对所有艾滋病研究者的清凉剂。This is for all AIDS researchers refresher.

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梧州进修班后在山上英国领事馆。After a refresher at Wuchow British Consulate on the Hill. Wuchow.

迅速的想一想你为什么开始这项工作会有帮助。A quick refresher on why you even started on this project will help.

如果你要对谷歌的运营商进行甄别,可以查看下谷歌指南中的“谷歌欺诈者名录”。If you need a refresher on operators, take a look at Google Guide's Google Cheat Sheet.

要想让狗狗保持良好的习惯,你应该每年带它参加一些新鲜的训练课程。To help a dog stick with good behaviors, every few years take him for a refresher course.

他们也进行定期提醒或开设复习班确保她们技术的正确性。They also got regular reminders or refresher classes to make sure their technique was correct.

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如果你的班级需要关于颜色的练习,你可以把本页的翻牌游戏下载下来试一试。If your class needs a refresher activity about colours, try the downloadable pelmanism game on this page.

甚至给有经验的经理上管理类型和技巧的进修课程。Even experienced managers periodi- cally should be given refresher courses in management style and techniques.

如果需要非常基础的资料,或者只是一项最新的标准,则该网站就可帮忙。If you need the very basic information, or just a refresher of the standards, then this site can help you out.

有时参加一场营销101的进修课程很好,马克·布朗斯坦会给你经典荟萃式的内容。Sometimes it's ok to take a refresher course in Marketing 101. Marc Brownstein offers the Cliff Notes version.

春节后我会在家乡安定一段时间,开始一边工作一边进修。I will stay at home a period of time after Spring Festive and I will go refresher courses while starting my work.

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无论你是新手,还是在寻找进修课程,这都是不错的选择。This is a great place to start in the podcast pool, whether you are a newb or in need of a little refresher course

这是我推荐给摄影新手的第一本书,也是我温故知新时的必选。It is the first one I recommend to new photographers and it is one that I refer to when I need a bit of a refresher.

事实上,这些培训更像一个深入修行的课程,你恢复到你以前的天赋状态。Indeed, these trainings are more like a kind of in-depth refresher course, as you are in fact regaining former talents.

而有时候,没有进一步加强,反而使湖人的比赛在开局惊艳的7胜0负之后现在有点趋于沉闷。And sometimes, without a little refresher course, the defensive edge that carried the Lakers to a 7-0 start tends to dull.

如果你计划在纸媒多发展,建议修一个关于英文协作的课程,并且壮壮胆子,要有信心。If you plan to do more writing in print, think about a refresher course on English writing, and dare to be more confident.

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本文主要介绍了研究生课程进修班学员管理系统设计与开发的整个过程。This article mainly introduces the development process of the management system for graduate student in refresher courses class.

阿斯塔今天晚上提供消息给里奥奈特,这对你们所有人来说是一个令人焕发精神的消息,来提醒你们什么正被移除。Ashtar provided this to Leonette just this evening, and it's anice refresher to all of you, to remind you of what is being removed.

阿斯塔今天晚上提供消息给莱昂纳铁,他对你们来说会是一个不错的大师,来提醒你们正在发生什么。Ashtar provided this to Leonette just this evening, and it's a nice refresher to all of you, to remind you of what is being removed.