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他在一个井队工作。He works ina drilling crew.

急弯处河流或道路的急拐弯处。A sharp bend ina river or road.

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艾娜密切注意廉价品。Ina has her eye out for bargains.

这将使整个罗马卷入一砞膳碌恼秸?。It would involve all Rome ina fearful strife.

你是住在男女兼收的宿舍呢,还是住在女生宿舍?。Do you live ina coed dorm or is just for girls?

艾娜是个坏女孩,后来自然就进了监狱。Ina is a bad girl so, natch, ends up in prison.

但是在学习过程中,你需要创造引人入胜的体验。But ina learning experience, you want a page-turner.

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艾娜·波松,亚洲水资源项目负责人。Ina Pozon is the director of the Asia Water Project.

爱娜是姐姐,比莉莉早出生几分钟。Ina is a sister, Bili Li was born a few minutes early.

在比赛中,奇拉维特经常主罚点球和任意球。Ina competition, Chilavert usually kick foul shots and free kicks.

事情发生后不久,曼娜不允许再出去玩了。Soon after that incident Mana Ina was no longer allowed to go out.

以是要是你筹算进军一个新行业,你就处于倒霉情形了。So if you try to compete ina new field, you'll be at a disadvantage.

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贝丝在咖啡屋里等待去采购圣诞商品的阿力。Beth is ina cafe, waiting for Alex to finishi his Christmas shopping.

所有会员必须获得职训局从今日起,30天期!All MEMBERS must be acquired ina period of 30days starting from today!

美国明白地领现它与钱学森处在了一个奥妙的二难地步。And the U. S. had clearly found itself ina sticky situation with Qian.

还知道把起居室墙上的弹孔藏起来的快招。Ask me what’s the fastest way to hide bullet holes ina living-room wall.

未来十年左右,美国在太平洋地区将变得无关紧要。Ina decade or so, the United States will become an irrelevancy in the PacificRim.

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她是一个皮克土著同时也是一个来自迪灵汉的反对水雷的教师。” says Ina Bouker, a Yupik native and teacher from Dillingham who opposes the mine.

该少年同警方在一家汽车经销商处展开枪战,随后据称饮弹自尽。He engaged police ina shoot-out at a car dealership and then apparently shot himself.

我们已经把一台服务器送进了博物馆,现在是时候将旧的下载模式也送进博物馆了。We have put a server ina museum already, and now the tracking can be put there aswell.