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但是,只有其中一些是步行游览。But only some of them are walkable.

旧金山获评美国最适合步行的城市San Francisco most walkable U.S. city, website says

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克丽丝和我住的地方并不适合步行。Kris and I don’t live in a very walkable neighborhood.

他们令人愉悦的繁忙的镇中心一个易于步行的区域安了家。They settled in a walkable area near a pleasantly busy town center.

WalkScore网站可以计算出任何一个地址的步行指数,从而帮你找到一个适合步行的居住区。The site helps you find a walkable place to live by calculating a Walk Score for any address.

如果你想找一个这样的社区,可以参考Walkscore.com网站日前对美国40个主要城市2508个社区进行的一项排名。ranks 2, 508 neighborhoods in the largest 40 U.S. cities to help you find a walkable place to live.

而在适宜行走社区的住户在出行上的花费不到这个一半,他们把剩下的钱,都放到了自己的口袋里。Households in walkable communities spend less than half that amount, putting more money in their pockets.

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尼克尔斯明白,紧凑、适合步行的住宅小区是支持公共汽车和轻轨网络所必需的。Nickels understood that compact, walkable neighborhoods were necessary to support bus and light-rail networks.

但空调巴士却广受欢迎,很多乘客甚至在前往一些步行即可到达的地方时,都会选择乘坐空调巴士。But air-conditioned buses have surged in popularity, with many riders opting for them even for walkable distances.

研究表明经常健身的人有着接近的肥胖率,而不管他们是否居住在易于步行的社区。The research showed that exercisers had a similarly low obesity rate whether they lived in walkable neighborhoods or not.

绍兴的好处是适于步行,逛逛也容易,横穿马路也不会给自己和别人惹麻烦。The good thing about Shaoxing is that it is walkable and easy to get around and crossing the road is usually trouble-free.

如果我们选择了离这些更远一点的地方,或许可以住得更好更便宜,但我们却还是选择住在更适合于步行的密集区域。We could have lived cheaper or nicer if we were further away from everything, but we chose to be in a denser area, more walkable.

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在不常健身的人当中,居住在易于步行的社区的人平均每天驾驶26英里,对比于居住在需要开车的区域的人平均每天驾驶43英里。Among non-exercisers, those in walkable neighborhoods drove 26 miles, and compared to 43 miles in areas that were mostly car-friendly.

假设我们有2个场景,场景1和场景2。场景1的可行区域内有一个分离网格链接的起点,其终点在场景2的可行区域内。Inthis example we have Scene1 and Scene 2. The Scene 1 has an Off-Mesh Link starting over a walkable area andlanding over a walkable area in Scene 2.

在大多住宅区,不开车或不乘搭交通工具,便很难满足人们的基本生活需要。因此房地产开发商便把“步行即可”作为这类罕有住宅区的售楼卖点。So rare are neighbourhoods where basic needs can be met without hopping into a car or bus that estate agents tout the few where they can as "walkable".

项目的发展策略包括功能多元化、适合步行的方式,以及建筑与自然环境之间的“共生关系”。The development strategy involves both a mixed-used, walkable approach, along with a "symbiotic relationship" between the built and natural environments.

最近的房地产趋势表明,与不适合行走的兄弟城市相比,那些较适宜行走城市的住房和公寓需求较高,房子的价值也要高一些。The latest real estate trends show that homes and apartments in walkable areas are in higher demand and are worth more than their less-walkable counterparts.

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我们转向雷东多海滩上去吃午饭时,我被市中心步行街两边的商店和露天咖啡厅深深吸引了。When we turned inland in search of a lunch break at Redondo Beach, I was charmed by the shops and outdoor cafes lining the walkable streets of its town center.

没脚,装上义肢也还能走路,而心灵有缺陷的人,痛苦一生,实际上是比身体残疾者还要差上一大截的。A man without leg, with an artificial one he is still walkable . But a spiritually insane man will suffer in whole his life, actually may much worse than the disabled one.

Frank与一群科学家一起证实居住在易于步行的社区的人们的体重倾向于较居住于更独立和依赖汽车的社区的人的体重轻。Frank is among a group of scientists who have shown that people who live walkable neighborhoods tend to weigh less than people who live in more isolated and car-dependent areas.