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舞会阶段则是与会嘉宾释放激情的“舞”极限时刻。The dancing part gives the guests a chance to show out themselves with zesty dance.

这些草莓水果香味没有很甜的味觉,伴着令人愉快的余味。These strawberry fruits continue onto the semi-sweet palate, with a lovely zesty finish.

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那种具有浓烈活泼的味道的白葡萄酒就被描述成“新鲜的”、“热情的”还有“如钢铁般的”。" And white wines with a lively taste could be described as "crisp", "zesty" or "steely.

酒内丰富的水果香味完美中和了青柠酸的味道,刹那间开启味蕾清爽纯净的感觉。It is clean and refreshing on the palate with rich fruit flavours balanced by zesty acidity.

乳脂般的口感恰倒好处,与爽利的柠檬果酸达到完美平衡,令其回味清新纯净。The creamy mid palate is balanced with zesty lemon rind acidity, ensuring a clean fresh finish.

此款入口柔顺,充满芳香的美酒可与烤肉或者鸡肉搭配。Food Pairings This Zin's smooth, supple flavors are a zesty match for barbecued steak or chicken.

色泽金黄,散发出热带水果和青苹果的芳香,伴有些许清爽橘皮的芬芳。Golden yellow in color, with tropical fruit, green apples and a hint of zesty orange peel on the nose.

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口感干爽畅快,混合奶油香味,热带水果,酸橙味,格外可口宜人。Dry, fresh and zesty , with creamy, ripe tropical fruit, lime acidity and a soft easy drinking character.

这款酒由巴罗莎山谷古老的赛美荣葡萄植株酿制而成,混合着清新的长相思。Made from old Semillon vines grown in the Barossa Valley has been blended with a crisp zesty Sauvignon Blanc.

滑顺乳脂状的芒果质地充分展现水果的成熟,均衡柑橘清脆、令人振奋的气味。Smooth and creamy mango texture bursting with ripe fruit expression and balanced with crisp, zesty citrus notes.

水果味充裕,爽脆的酸度与柠檬、柑橘及核果的味道相平衡,带有一抹橡木味。A fruit-driven Chardonnay style with crisp acidity and zesty citrus and stone fruit balanced with a touch of oak.

入口即可感觉到明显的黑樱桃和洋李味道,进而转变为突出的丁香、豆蔻和肉桂等香料味。Flavors that begin with black cherry and plum flow effortlessly into zesty spices such as clove, nutmeg and cinnamon.

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这款令人震撼及兴奋的葡萄酒带有可爱的柑橘和桃子果香,口感优雅细腻。The vibrant and zesty Stony Cape Chenin Blanc has a lovely citrus and peach aroma, with an elegant and smooth palate.

散发着清爽的橙子及果子露的芳香,富含饱满的苹果及香瓜口味,有着乳脂般的口感。Displays zesty citrus and sherbet aromas on the nose and full-bodied apple and melon flavors with a creamy mouth feel.

建议那些希望得到低稠度天然甜味的维吉尼亚的烟客适用。A sweet, smooth zesty smoke, it is suggested to anyone looking for a light-bodied, naturally sweet satisfying Virginia.

烤鸡肉、培根和洋葱的鲜美组合在香甜BBQ酱的配衬下更浓郁诱人,美味无法抵挡。The authentic BBQ flavor. Tender Grilled Chicken, lean Bacon and zesty Onions combined with a sweet and tangy BBQ Sauce.

百香果的热带水果清脆辛酸香味随伴著柑橘的新鲜令人振奋的甜味,提升味觉。Crisp and tart tropical fruit flavour of passionfruit with fresh, zesty citrus and a hint of sweetness to delight the palate.

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酒质纯正,爽滑,果酸活泼,是一款清新的美酒,适与日常饮用。Straightforward, with its pure, clean, crisp fruit and zesty acidity. This is a light-bodied, fresh Mâcon for everyday drinking.

酒内丰富的水果香味与与青柠酸的味道调和地恰到好处,刹那间开启味蕾清爽纯净的感觉。Rich fruit flavours are perfectly balanced by zesty acidity, resulting in a sparkling that is clean and refreshing on the palate.

这种新鲜而热烈的黄绿色调,让人想起早春时节,自然苏醒、草木复生、万象更新。Greenery is a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature's greens revive, restore and renew.