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我是指搭公车。I mean by bus.

我爱上了巴士。I love the bus.

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公共汽车道结束。End Of Bus Lane.

我的巴士在哪里?Where is my bus?

车开啦?Has the bus left?

我们可以坐汽车去。We can go by bus.

一辆公交车进站了。Along comes a bus.

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乘汽车上峨嵋山之前。Mount Emei by bus.

我们乘上了巴士。We get on the bus.

我搭公车去那儿。I got there by bus.

公共汽车来了。There goes the bus.

什么在这辆公共汽车里面?What is in the bus?

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你可以搭公车。You can take a bus.

可以搭公车。AYou can take a bus.

明能听见公共汽车的声音吗?Can Ming hear a bus?

我正要搭公车去上班。I go to work by bus.

西蒙在公共汽车上。Simon is on the bus.

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我们坐车去。We are going by bus.

一辆公共汽车在这艘船上。A bus is in the boat.

公交车路线容量?。Capacity of Bus Line?