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在本格拉和本戈省,疫情高峰期发生在3周之前。The peak of the outbreak occurred 3 weeks ago in Benguela and Bengo provinces.

阿喀麦隆球迷手表在本格拉对埃及1月25日的四分之一决赛。A Cameroon fan watches the quarterfinal match against Egypt in Benguela January 25.

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关于大西洋Kasseque鱼在市场上吸引客户的本格拉1月29日。The Kasseque fish market on the Atlantic Ocean in Benguela draws customers January 29.

另外一条从本格拉至赞比亚,原先被用于运输铜矿的铁路也在重建中。Another railway, from Benguela to Zambia, once used to carry copper, is also being rebuilt.

安哥拉观看设置在店外一个电视播放的本格拉国家队1月24日。Angolans watch their national team play on a television set up outside a shop in Benguela January 24.

该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda, Kwanza-Sul, Luanda, Namibe, Benguela and Zaire.

著名的穿越安哥拉全境的本格拉铁路因为内战和外国入侵而停运——大部分都被破坏了。The famed Benguela railway across Angola ground to a halt because of the civil war and foreign invasion, meaning much of it was destroyed.

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非洲西海岸的大西洋被寒冷的本吉拉洋流控制,被困大白鲨很难向东游回家乡。Once in the Atlantic they tried in vain to head east again, all the while being taken up the west coast of Africa by the cold Benguela Current.

从沙丘顶上可以看到三英里外的大海,笼罩在由沙漠热量和冰冷的本格拉洋流交汇而产生的雾气之中。From the crest there is a view to the ocean, three miles distant, shrouded in fog created by the convergence of desert heat and the icy Benguela Current.

那些没有参与建筑商场的,就忙于维护本格拉的铁路,从安格拉码头到刚果、赞比亚,还有更远。Those who weren't involved in building the mall were busy repairing the Benguela Railway, which runs from the Angolan port of Lobito to DR Congo, Zambia and beyond.