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“她真是个火爆性子,”大律师心中想道。"What a spit-fire she is, " thought the barrister.

我的目的是学习法律,以后回去当一个律师。The idea was that I should study Law and come back a barrister.

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一个或一组高级律师也称之为辩护人。A barrister or a group of barrister is referred to as "counsel".

一个或一组高级状师也称之为辩护人。A barrister or a group of barristers is referred to as 'counsel'.

在英格兰和威尔士高级律师在所有法院都有发言权利。Barrister have right of audience in all court in england and wales.

律师有权在英格兰和威尔士的任何法院出庭。A barrister has right of audience in any court in England and Wales.

做诉讼工作的在英国叫barrister,And you're called a barrister in England if you're going to do the trial work,

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约翰。莫蒂默爵士,法庭律师,自由斗士。1月16日辞世,享年85岁。Sir John Mortimer, barrister and freedom-fighter, died on January 16th, aged 85

各方当事人可以亲自出庭,也可以由一名巴律师或沙律师代理出庭。The parties may appear in person or may be represented by a barrister or a solicitor.

他是费城的律师,但他打官司远不及打枪出名。He was a barrister of Philadelphia, but became far more renowned by his gun than by his law cases.

“法庭上的鲁波尔”系列图书的作者、律师约翰•莫蒂默反对这些改变。John Mortimer, the barrister and author of the "Rumpole of the Bailey" books, opposed the changes.

律师在刑事辩护时,进行调查取证有一定的职业风险。The barrister has to burden certain professional r is kin collecting evidence when he pleads criminally.

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在双胞胎出生4个月之后,玛格丽特成功成为税务和专利方面的律师。Four months after the twins were born, Margaret qualified as a barrister specializing in tax and patent law.

他们是少有的那种惺惺相吸的伙伴。一个是巧舌如簧的英国律师,一个是不谙言辞的德州共和党人。THEY have been improbable soul-mates, the silver-tongued British barrister and the drawling Republican from Texas.

但我们有法律武器,那些想用拖延战术省钱的俱乐部得三思了。But with a good barrister behind us, clubs who think that delaying tactics could save them money should think again.

他是位律师,我们村里的人带着一种几近父辈的骄傲心情尾随着他那光辉的业绩。He was a barrister. And the village followed his brilliant carrer with something almost amounting to paternal pride.

高等法院的委任仪式上,安居、紫凝在吕官的宣布下,正式成为大律师。Supreme Court appointment ceremony, b&q, purple coagulation under lu officer announced officially become a barrister.

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巴尼斯特安娜怀特森讲述了她和一个法学学生住在伦敦西北时是如何产生肺结核的抗药性的。Barrister Anna Watterson spoke of how she became ill with drug-resistant TB when she was a law student living in north-west London.

加拿大律师楼、律师、律师楼档案、实务操作、法官、政府部门和有关法律服务的综合列表。This list of resources on Canadian law and government is maintained by Peter Sim, Barrister and Solicitor, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.

辩护律师约翰查尔斯里斯QC说芙蕾妮从未否认过自己犯下的罪行,而且她没有前科。Defending barrister John Charles Rees QC said Freaney had never disputed killing her son and was a woman with no previous convictions.