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英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.

帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

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数千德国人涌到行将就木的检查站。Thousands of people streamed past the now moribund check points.

另一个让人抽搐的消息来自奄奄一息的房市。Another couple of twitches were detected in moribund housing markets.

病人弥留之际,加深的昏睡通常是死的前兆。In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.

但是,多哈回合贸易谈判的幽灵阴魂不散,困扰着一些人的思维。But the spectre of the moribund Doha round of trade talks haunts the minds of some.

杰里将不会沦为一个像石见银山那样的吸引人的鬼城。Djenné would not become a moribund ghost-town-cum-tourist-attraction like Iwami Ginzan.

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政府维持了奄奄一息的银行,扶持了本来不需要挽救的企业。The government kept moribund banks alive and rescued companies that didn't need rescuing.

此次百达上市也可视作是巴西停滞不前的IPO市场开始复苏的迹象。BTG's listing will also be watched for signs of a revival in Brazil's moribund IPO market.

并且仅仅是中国收入比较好的那些人,才可以从垂死的发达国家手中购买些东西。And only some of the stuff its better-paid workers buy will come from the moribund rich world.

相反,另一些即将离任的政府则具有回光返照的活力可以延迟劫数的到来。Conversely, some moribund administrations embrace desperate hyperactivity to stave off their doom.

与会者还包括由她惨淡经营的缅甸国家民主联盟的一些官员。He spent over an hour with her and with executives from her moribund National League for Democracy.

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在西贡这个又热又潮湿的地方,现代与破败共存。And so to hot, humid Saigon itself, a place that manages to be modern and moribund at the same time.

经济学家预计明年的新屋开工仍将处于疲弱状态,预计房价将会持平。The economists expect continued moribund housing starts in the new year, while home prices are seen flat.

他拥立北辽,为挽救垂危的辽王朝作出了贡献,是辽金之际颇有影响的人物。He suported Bei Liao, contributed to saving the moribund Liao dynasty, is a influential politician in then.

IMF在金融危机前曾经萎靡不振,而现在再一次成为了世界金融的关键先生。Moribund before the financial crisis, the IMF is once again a linchpin of the international financial system.

如果美联储想要资助垂死经济中的联邦赤字,就将发行过量的货币。And if the Fed finances federal deficits in a moribund economy, it can create more money than the economy can use.

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想要见识到这一观点的政治吸引力,你根本没有必要成为垂死的美国社会主义劳工党的一员。You do not have to be a member of the moribund Socialist Labour Party of America to see the political appeal of that.

酒的香味已经变化为刺鼻的酒气,带着一股颓废与腐朽的异味。The change is that the pungent wine is angry for the perfume of the wine, takes a decadent and moribund peculiar smell.

忧虑是决策者们可能会做的过火,从而损伤到低迷经济世界中为数不多的几个有活力的之一。The fear is that policymakers will overdo it, spoiling one of the rare sources of dynamism in a moribund world economy.