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具有补血生津作用。Carambola role with blood.

我第一次见到杨桃树。I see carambola tree for the 1st time.

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另外杨桃还是医治咽痛的能手。Another carambola is adept at treating sore throat.

芦根味甘性寒,能清热生津。Reed root flavour Kennedy sex cold, can clear away heat carambola.

各杨桃鲜果中以蜜丝种品质最佳。The Mi-shih possessed the best quality among these fresh carambola fruits.

他找到一份工作,业余时间则照料那棵阳桃树。He found himself a job and spent his spare time caring for the carambola tree.

尽管杨桃的作用很大,但肾脏病患者应该少吃杨桃。Although the role of carambola great, but kidney patients should eat star fruit.

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杨桃是一种水分很多的水果,皮薄、纤维少、果脆多汁、酸甜可口、芳香清甜。The carambola is a kind of juicy fruit, thin skin, less fiber, crisp, juicy, sweet, tasty, fragrant.

我们可以从不同的角度看杨桃,而从各个角度看到的桃桃,其形状又是不同的。The carambola can be viewed from every side, and from every side the carambola appears to be a different shape.

农庄盛产红杨桃等二十多种纯天然四季名优水果,游客可以亲手摘果。Farm-rich red, such as carambola more than 20 kinds of famous fruit-natural seasons, tourists can personally Zhaiguo.

运用细胞图象分析系统和显微照相的方法对阳桃次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。The vessel elements of secondary xylem in Averrhoa carambola are observed by bio-microscope image analysis system and micrography.

杨桃从正面看上去像一颗五角星,但是从另外的角度看又像其他的东西。The carambola seen from the front appears to the viewer as a pentagram, but a carambola seen from the side appears to be another thing.

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利用甲醇浸提、单因素试验和正交试验探讨了从甜杨桃叶中提取黄酮的最佳工艺条件。In this paper, extraction of flavone by methanol from sweet carambola leaves was studied by single factor test and orthogonal design test.

利用甲醇浸提,通过单因素试验和正交试验探讨从酸杨桃叶中提取黄酮的最佳工艺条件,为酸杨桃叶中黄酮类化合物的提取提供实验数据。In this paper, The author extraction of flavone by methanol from sour carambola leaves by single factor test and orthogonal design test was studied.

杨桃产于菲律宾,在东南亚,东亚,南美,佛罗里达及夏威夷等地也随处可见。Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but can be found throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America, Florida and Hawaii.

杨桃,也称星果,原产于菲律宾,但现已遍布整个东南亚、东亚和南美洲、佛罗里达州和夏威夷州。Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but can be found throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America, Florida and Hawaii.

采用微波消解,火焰原子吸收分光光度计对两个甜杨桃品种进行了微量元素的测定。Digesting with microwave, and a FAAS method for the determination of trace elements Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe in two kinds of sweet Averrhoa carambola L. was described.

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以胡萝卜、甜杨桃为主要原料,采用正交设计和感官评定的方法,研制出复合汁饮料的生产工艺。Taking carrot, sweet carambola as main raw materials, the processing technique for the mixed healthy beverage was studied through orthogonal test, sense assessment.

这让我不禁想起小学时候学的一篇课文,那个男孩因为将杨桃画得像一颗五角星而遭到同学的嘲笑。It occurred to me that we learned a text about drawing the carambola in primary school. The boy drew the carambola as a pentagram, so the classmates were all ridiculing him.

以红阳桃为原料,通过不同配方对比试验,确定饮料的配方组成,研制出一种营养丰富的天然功能性保健饮料。With A. Carambola L. as the raw material, a natural health beverage containing abundant nutrients was developed by comparing different formulas and finally determining the optimal composition.