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我们称这个曲面为应力二次曲面。We call this surface the stress quadric.

最后总结出了二次曲面进行NURBS表示的一般方法和步骤。At last, the commonly methods and steps for represention quadric surfaces using NURBS was find.

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在实际生产中,如果某一加工表面是二次曲面,对于这类曲面轮廓的加工常采用数控加工方法。On the area of actual process, It is often seen that one surface of the part is quadric surface.

为逆向工程中基于测量点的二次曲面提取提供了一种新的方法。A new method is offered to extract quadric surface based measured points for reverse engineering.

提出了基于实数编码免疫算法针对离散数据点进行二次曲面提取的方法。This paper proposed to use immune algorithm based on real-number-coding to extract quadric surface.

它们对直观上理解两二次曲面交线的拓扑形态有非常重要的意义。It is very helpful to instinctively understand the morphology of the QSIC such a quadric pencil has.

介绍了一种适合于非网格化样品点研究区域的插值方法——多重二次曲面函数插值法。A new method of mutiple quadric interpolation suitable for the non gridded research field was introduced.

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提出了一种新的将二次型化为标准型的配方法——逆序配方法。A new method of completing the square with reverse order is presented by change quadric form into standard form.

新方案效率高,在二次剩余困难假设和RSA安全的条件下是安全的。The new scheme is secure under condition of intractability assumption of quadric remain and the security of RSA.

提出了基于二次曲面拟合误差分析和几何属性分析的特征曲面识别算法。An algorithm of feature surface recognition based on quadric surface fitting and geometry property was presented.

利用这一规律和作图方法,可以解决任意位置的非退变二阶曲面的投影轮廓线的作图问题。By using the role and the drafting methods, projective contour line of a quadric at random position can be drawn.

首次提出利用基于实数编码的遗传算法针对离散数据点进行二次曲面提取。This paper proposes for the first time to use genetic algorithm based on real-number-coding to extract quadric surface.

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对子系统具有线型二次型凸性质的最优化问题,可以得到实际上的全局最优解。As the sub-systems possess the property of linear quadric form convex, it results a practicable global optimal solutions.

而用小尺度滤波器为图像边缘精确定位,并构造出紧支二次B样条小波。A quadric B-spline wavelet was constructed, which has eminent characters, such as narrow support, small computation amount.

二次曲面的反射系统只有一对理想共轭点,在傍轴条件下,有一对准共轭区。Quadric reflectors have only one pair ideal conjugate pointses, and axial mirror have a pair of approximately conjugate area.

基于控制顶点扰动的思想提出了一种新的曲线重构算法,用于构造一条分段二次B样条曲线来逼近平面上的散乱数据点。A new algorithm is presented in this paper for piecewise quadric B-splines curve reconstruction from scattered data in a plane.

为了解决这个问题,本文作者提出一种改进的基于二次误差测度的网格简化算法。In order to solve the problem, this paper put forward an improved mesh simplification algorithm based on quadric error metrics.

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因此,对蠕变围岩随道的二次衬砌支护时间的研究具有重要的工程意义。Therefore, the research on the quadric liner time for creeping adjacent rock tunnel has great significance for the engineering.

利用一元二次方程的求根公式构造二元二次方程组的迭代算法,通过图解二元二次方程组的解来说明迭代算法在实践中的应用。In this paper, the author gives the formula of roots of a quadric equation over a field of 2 k elements and presents the problem.

以黑大豆皮为材料,采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计对其花色苷的提取工艺进行了优化研究。The technology for extracting anthocyanins of black soybean seed coat was optimized by quadric regression orthogonal rotary tests.