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我们努力追求进步。We are pursuing the progress diligently.

我努力分析他们引用的研究。I searched diligently for the studies they cited.

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每月一次,勤更新你的日常预算。Once a month, diligently update your life budget.

那是她孜孜以求的正果。It was her diligently strive after the attainment of.

艾拉从来没有抱怨过,她只是勤劳地干着自己的活。Ella never complained about her work and did it diligently.

如果你很懒惰,你将会致力于寻找不工作的方法。If you are lazy, you will diligently find ways not to work.

2你们要细听我的言语,就算是你们安慰我。Hear diligently my speech, and let this be your consolations.

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你们要细听我的言语,就算是你们安慰我。Hear diligently my speech, and let this be your consolations.

你们要细听我的言语,使我所辩论的入你们的耳中。Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears.

我更加勤奋的思考,因为要让自己的观点前后一致。I work more diligently to ensure my perspective holds together.

其次,灰太狼有勤于钻研的学习精神。Secondly, Gray wolf have diligently studying too learning spirit.

因此,常先生不愧为一位孜孜不倦的文化大使。Therefore, Mr. Chang is worthily a diligently cultural ambassador.

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笑对人生是淡泊一切的孜孜追求。Laughter is indifferent to everything in life to pursue diligently.

请确定你在坚持不懈地为你的用例捕获这些属性。Make sure you capture these attributes for your use cases diligently.

我们建立一个很现实的时间表,他们勤奋地跟我练,and we set realistic time frame and they work out diligently with me,

当心那个女鬼气起来,更努力地吓唬你啊!Beware of that female ghost spirit to get up, more diligently scare you!

瑞秋每天都会去上课,接着又很认真读书。Every day, Rachel went to her classes and studied diligently afterwards.

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鲁本在街头徘徊,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures.

在你自己挑选的位置上勤奋工作,总能保持一种健旺的精神。Working diligently on the job you select would keep you healthy and vigorous.

百说不如一干。我觉得你们的领导人不够努力。Actions speak louder than words. I think your leader insufficiently diligently.