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我想这就是事故发生的心理根源。This is the psychologic root of accidents.

这种疲劳指的是心理学上的。This kind of fatigue is referred to as psychologic.

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这种病症可能具有器质性或心理学起因。This condition may be of organic or psychologic origin.

睡眠是机体的基本生理和心理需要。Sleep is the physiologic and psychologic need for the body.

三是将创作心理研究推进到了一个新的阶段。Third, it advances the creative psychologic research to a new stage.

然而,满意程度似乎也是整个身体的影响因素之一。However, satisfaction also appears to be influenced by psychologic factors.

心理学研究表明,很多人都会受到过度自信心理的影响。The psychologic research find that many people had been affect by Overconfidence.

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心理研究表明,被某人秒杀的效果最多持续4个月。如果超过这个期限。Based on psychologic study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds.

那么双方争吵完后的心理状况,也是我们接下来需要着重考虑的。Then, we need to pay our attention on the psychologic status of two parts after quarrels?

结论箱庭疗法可有效缓解或消除各种心理问题和心理障碍。Conclusion Sandplay therapy can relieve or eliminate various mental problem and psychologic obstacle.

目的了解河北省唐山市社区老年人居家不出状况及进行心理因素分析。Objective To understand the status of housebound and its psychologic factor in community elderly of Tangshan.

心理研究表明,被某人秒杀的效果最多持续4个月。如果超过这个期限,那就真的坠入爱河了。Based on psychologic study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love.

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我们可以在分析心理学的架构中看到宗教音乐对信徒的心理动力线索。We can see the clues which shows that religious music gives believers psychologic impetus in analysis psychology.

法医心理学专业将来在刑事司法和民法机构提供心理咨询服务。Students in this major prepare to provide psychologic services within the criminal justice and civil legal systems.

很多病因素都与一些神经性厌食症特有的行为有关。A variety of psychologic factors are associated with the development of behaviors characteristic of anorexia nervosa.

目的准确了解住院患者的心理状态,为制定个体化护理计划提供依据。Objective To understand the psychologic condition of in-patient and offer evidence to make individuation nursing plan.

学生学习心理学理论,课程安排的技巧,教学理念和课堂管理等。They learn psychologic theories as well as techniques for planning lessons, teaching concepts, and managing classrooms.

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我所做出的心理学观察似乎证实了之前我所给出的观点。And the psychologic observations I have been able thus to make seem to me to confirm in their general outlines the views I have given.

有精神分裂症的儿童经常用第二代治疗精神病的药物。Children with schizophrenia are often treated with second generation anti- psychologic " second-generation" antipsychotic drugs, but disease cause in.

用自制心理量表对性病患者治疗前后及正常对照组检测。Selfmade psychological scale was adopted to measure the the psychologic status of all the patients before and after treatment as well as normal controls.