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我是一个清洁工。I'm a dustman.

他是个好清洁工。He is a good dustman.

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我在新东方任清洁工一职。I used to work as a dustman in NOS.

清洁工正在清理垃圾。The dustman is cleaning out rubbish.

做为一个清洁工,她总是很努力工作。As a dustman , she always work very hard.

清洁工每天都倒净垃圾桶。The dustman emptied the dustbin everyday.

垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.

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阿尔夫的妻子从未发现自己嫁了一个清洁工。Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman.

清道夫正在扫掉这条街上的落叶。The dustman is sweeping up all the fallen leaves on this street.

这个老清洁工达条街上干了20年了。The old dustman has been working on this street for twenty years.

然后他换上工作服,做八小时清洁工。He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.

垃圾处理工是我们市政会对清洁工的委婉的称谓。Refuse disposal operatives is our council's highfaluting name for dustman.

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他的妻子从未发现自己嫁给了一个她从来不愿意嫁的清洁工。His wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will.

艾尔弗的妻子一直不了解她嫁给了一个洁净工,并且她永久也不会了解了。Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will.

艾尔弗的妻子一直不知道她嫁给了一个清洁工,而且她永远也不会知道了。Alf´s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will.

他的妻子从未曾并将永不会发现她嫁给了一位清洁工,因为艾尔夫刚刚找到了一份新工作。His wife has never discovered she has married to a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found a new job.

艾尔弗的妻子一直不知道她嫁给了一个清洁工,而且她永远也不会知道了,因为艾尔弗已找到新工作职。AlF's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.

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阿尔夫的妻子从来没有发现自己嫁给了一①个清洁工,而且她再也不可以发现自己丈夫是清洁工了,因为阿尔夫刚刚找到一①类别的工作`。Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.

艾尔弗的妻子一直不知道她嫁给了一个清洁工,而且她永远也不会知道了,因为艾尔弗已找到薪职。Alf 's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.

阿尔夫的妻子从来没有发现自己嫁给了一个清洁工,而且她再也不能发现自己丈夫是清洁工了,因为阿尔夫刚刚找到一种别的工作。Alf' s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.