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海岸顶上是后滨阶地。At the top of the shore is a berm.

此天然包括压实粘性土。This berm consisted of compacted clayey soils.

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但滩肩和海岸沙丘发育均不明显。But beach berm and aeolian dunes are poorly developed.

保持基层干燥,尽量在冬季,提高了护堤,以排除冰雪融化,在融化。Keep the roots as dry as possible during winter, raising a berm to exclude melting snows during thaws.

再靠近一点我发现这是一个机库,形如巨蟹,建于崖径之中。As I got closer, I could see it was in fact a hangar, shaped a bit like a giant crab, built into a berm.

除了能否成功存在疑问外,路易斯安纳沙堤工程的成本也很高昂。In addition to its questionable prospects for success, the Louisiana berm project would be extremely expensive.

通过物理模型试验研究陡墙式海堤复坡平台高程和宽度对波浪爬高的影响。Based on model tests, the effect of the berm width and elevation of composite slope on irregular wave run-up is analyzed.

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结果表明,风暴潮影响后沙滩剖面呈风暴型剖面,而常浪季节均表现为滩肩型复式剖面。The results showed that the beach profiles belonged to the type of storm profile during storms and of berm profile during other seasons.

一辆涂装利比亚革命派色彩的苏制坦克爬过院落旁边的一处沙堤,准备向城内开炮。Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.

冻土路基护道不应作为提高路基热稳定性的主要措施。The result indicates embankment berm on permafrost region should not be regarded as the main measure to improve thermal stability of embankment.

一辆涂装利比亚革命派色彩的苏制坦克爬过院落旁边的一处沙堤,准备向城内开炮。A Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.

通过新桥缓倾斜散体结构边坡工程模式的研究,提出了基于陡帮开采的安全清扫平台新模式。Based on the study of slope mode of slightly declined granular structure in Xingqiao, a new mode of safe-cleaning berm is designed for mining with steep working slope.

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实际上,由于路易斯安纳的沙堤并不连续,石油很有可能从缺口流入,并停留在湿地中。Indeed, since the Louisiana berm will not be continuous, there is a strong likelihood that oil will flow in through the gaps, then possibly become trapped in wetlands.

实际上,由于风暴的路径,它还有可能导致一些地区的波浪增高,并造成湿地的石油难以外流。In fact, depending on the track of the storm, it could potentially make the storm surge higher in some areas. The berm also could prevent the flushing of some oil out of the wetlands.

针对软基堤坝的抗滑稳定措施,应用塑流理论分析、比较了反压平台和放缓边坡的稳定效果。With respect to the anti-slide resistance measures of embankment on soft clay ground, loading berm method and decrease the slope of the embankment are compared using plastic flow theory.

毫无疑问,它在建成后马上就会被侵蚀,只需对海岸形成过程进行简单说明,人们就会明白这个沙堤会在短短几个月内完全消失。Indeed, it will begin to erode immediately upon completion. Even a simple understanding of coastal processes leads one to conclude that this sandy berm could disappear within a few months.

从美海军陆战队第24海军陆战队远征部队,采取的护堤在与附近加姆塞尔在阿富汗赫尔曼德省星期五2008年5月2日镇塔利班阵地开火斗争的立场。US Marines, from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, take positions on a berm during a fire fight with Taliban positions near the town of Garmser in Helmand Province of Afghanistan Friday May 2, 2008.