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没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。It's no use, Chapman. Tate confessed.

但是这就能证明查普曼在牟利吗?But does this prove that Chapman is cashing in?

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查普曼笑谈是“间谍风波”开启了她的“美好生活”。Chapman joke is the "spy row" opened her "good life.

夺得第三名的是俄罗斯红发美女间谍安娜·查普曼。Third place went to red-headed Russian spy-girl, Anna Chapman.

查普曼说,在重新谈判薪酬时心里要事先想好一个数额。Go into a renegotiation with a number in mind, says Mr. Chapman.

但是,自查普曼归国后,她几乎已是民族英雄。However, since her return, Chapman has become something of a national hero.

首飞中国内地机场的A380机长弗兰克?查曼和飞行员盖伊?A380 Captain Frank Chapman and Pilot Guy Magrin at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.

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在查普曼大学,加利福尼亚,这个周期是由弗农史密斯研究。At Chapman University, in California, this cycle is studied by Vernon Smith.

查普曼说,非洲气温上升,还会对自然保护活动造成威胁。A hotter Africa would also pose a threat for conservation efforts, Chapman said.

恰普曼灯塔熠熠闪烁,它像一只三脚架矗立在烂泥平台上。The Chapman lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mudbank, shone strongly.

这里似乎涉及到查普曼是否因此而得利的问题。There appears to be some question over whether Chapman was paid for the session.

所以,对于查普曼一直不怕自我宣传这件事,没什么好惊讶的。So it's hardly surprising that Chapman has been none too coy about self-publicity.

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高卓文在家中被杀害,但家中每个人都有不在场的证据。High Chapman was killed at home, but everyone has a home in the absence of evidence.

据俄罗斯媒体报道查普曼愿意把自己的故事出售给记者。Russian news media reported that Chapman is willing to sell her story to journalists.

莫斯科——俄国间谍安娜查普曼已经成为了一家莫斯科银行的新的名人。MOSCOW -- Russian spy Anna Chapman has become the new celebrity face of a Moscow bank.

美国,康奈迪克州东恰普曼赫德姆,瀑布及周围红色及金色景色。Red and yellow paint surrounded by waterfalls in the East Chapman Heddeme, Connecticut.

柴门月访,对影的孤盅,那樽酒意里又能覆尽多少铅华?Chapman month visit, to shadow solitary cup, the cup was also covered as much in cosmetics?

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凯普曼注意到平坦的池塘与起伏的滩地之间的过渡区。A transition zone from smooth pond to rougher surroundings resembles a beach, notes Chapman.

查普曼博士将从真实生活中选取事例来辅助读者理解。Chapman illustrates each love language with real-life examples from his counseling practice.

安娜•查普曼是所有被捕间谍中受公众关注度最高的,她是重要间谍吗?Anna Chapman has attracted the most public attention of all the accused. Is she a serious spy?